

Best Answer

15 x 40 x 2 = 1200

Subtract Federal Income Tax

Subtract SS Insurance

Subtract State Income Tax

Subtract City Income Tax

Probably between 800 and 900, depending on the tax rates.

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Q: You make fifteen dollars an hour with 40hour how much would you bring home every two weeks?
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You make fifteen dollars an hour you much will you bring home every two weeks?

Depends on how many hours you work each week.

How many people does niagara falls get every year?

About every single year they bring in about 60,000 dollars.

Where can a 15 year old in Forest Hill MD get a job?

Fifteen year old, and younger even, girls and boys, can learn to be a square dance caller and make fifteen hundred dollars in two hours. Some callers get twenty-five squares, which is two hundred people, each paying eight dollars to dance, so that is sixteen hundred dollars, then he pays a hundred to rent the hall, and pockets the other fifteen hundred for a two hour dance. And you can call every night of the week if you want to and if there are enough clubs or dances.

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No. That would be 6.6666666666%. 15% would be three dogs out of every twenty.

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Because you haven't switched to Verizon

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1 for every 5 us dollars

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