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Q: You may have one in your aquarium but which of these fish are in the same Characidae family as the piranha?
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Which fish with a 'fearsome' reputation are called 'caribes' in venezuelan rivers?

Piranha Characidae

Are silver dollar fresh water fish related to piranha fish?

Silver Dollar's are in the Characidae family which are closely related to Pacu, and Piranha. Silver Dollars should be kept in schools (3 or more), and in larger tanks due to their size.

What does tetra stand for?

As it's used in the aquarium setting it refers to most fish in the family Characidae. We call them that because of the original genus name Tetragonopterus which is no longer valid but the shorten nickname tetra stuck.

What is the latin name for a cardinal tetra?

The freshwater fish "Paracheirodon axelrodi" of the characin family (Characidae).

How are piranha and Oscars related?

An Oscar is of the cichlid family, the piranha belongs to the characin branch. Otherwise known to freshwater aquarium owners as the bothersome "fin-nippers" which is what characins are known for, along with the skittish hyper behavior.

Do piranha lay egg?

Yes piranhas are fish, and all fish lay eggs.Correction: Not all fish lay eggs. Many popular aquarium fish do not lay eggs but give birth to live young. However, the piranha is an egg-laying fish.

What animal group are the fishes?

Fish do not belong to a single family, but rather there are several families of fish including Characidae, Cynodontidae, Prochilodontidae, and others.

What type of aquarium do piranha like?

Piranha need a very large tank because they are messy fish. They should be alone in the tank with a pH of between 5.5 to 7.0 and a temperature of around 78 degrees.

Can you put dragon fish in with piranha?

Piranhas are tropical fish, so yes. However, there are other fish you can keep them with as well. Just what depends on the species of piranha. Note that most species of piranha that are suitable for aquariums will see all other fish as food, so if you put other fish in the aquarium with them they will proceed to dine on the food you so kindly provided.

What is a piranha fish and what does it eat?

A piranha fish is a fish that has teeth like needles and eat meat

What is aquarium fish native to the Amazon?

Tetras, angelfish, rams, discus, plecos,guppies, pacu, piranha, corydoras, knife fish, certain arrowana, stingrays, pufferfish, and arapima are native to the Amazon.

Dont swim in the Amazon river this fish will eat you?

A Piranha is a carnivorous fish.