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Q: You need to connect two buildings across a public road and it is not feasible to use a direct cable connection. Under what circumstances would you use a microwave link what about the other wireless al?
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Electronic Internet Referendums - Are feasible or security is in question?

They are not feasible as not everone would be able to participate and also without a secure connection to ever participant it could be misused

Can you give me a sentence for the word feasible?

Your hypotheses is not feasible. i cant go to the party its just not feasible.

Use feasible in a sentence?

I am feeling feasible today.

Definition of basic feasible solution?

feasible solution

Sentence with feasible?

It is not feasible to build a rocket ship of wood.

Is it correct to say not feasible for compliance or not feasible of compliance?

Neither. We say "compliance is not feasible", meaning it may be technically possible but is not practical.

What is the maximum value of 3x plus 3y in the feasible region?

It would depend on the feasible region.

Under what circumstances is a joint fluid analysis not feasible?

if the patient cannot or will not keep the joint immobile throughout the procedure. Patients with certain infections should be excluded from the procedure, particularly those who have a local infection

Is electric heating feasible?

Electric heating is widely used; evidently it is feasible.

What is the definition of unbounded region?

definition feasible region definition feasible region

What is the synonym for feasible?

Some synonyms for the word 'feasible' are 'acheiveable', 'viable' and 'proable'.

Non-degenerate basic feasible solution?

Non_degenerate basic feasible solution