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This is an automatic reflex that occurs at the spinal cord level. It involves two neurons: one that brings "pain" information into the cord and one that carries the motor reflex out to the muscle. This is a very fast response. It would take longer to go the the brain and back. A third neuron often sends a "report" to the brain.

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Q: You pull your hand away after touching a hot pan is this a somatic or automatic reflex?
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What is an automatic response to a stimuli?

Reflex. Reflexes ensure that a organism responds to an event in a way most likely to result in survival. For example, when touching a hot surface, most people will immediately jerk their hand away.

What reflexes classified as somatic reflexes?

There are 5 somatic reflexes, stretch (spinal), crossed extensor (spinal), superficial cord (spinal), corneal (cranial), and gag (cranial).Involuntary automatic responses to sensory stimulation, for example, the knee-jerk reaction when tapped.Note: Reflexes, such as the contraction / dilation of the pupil, salivation when hungry are all controlled by autonomic reflexes.

What is a reflect muscle?

It is a muscle reflex. A very fast, involuntary muscle contraction. Because of this, it causes you to jerk your hand away after touching a hot iron.

What is a withdrawal reflex?

A reflex that you have no control over that withdraws a limb from a painful or otherwise unpleasant situation, for example touching a hotplate. This is a reflex because the neural input doesn't go to your brain, it does a loop in your spinal cord and goes straight back from your fingertips to the muscles that move your hand away.

What are some actions that are automatic responses to stimulus?

Example: Touching something hot - stimulus. Pull hand away- response.

Why is it advantageous for a person that the impulse passes through the reflex arc first before it is relayed to the brain?

One example is touching something very hot that might burn you: the reflex can pull the hand away from the hot object much quicker than the brain could decide if it was dangerously hot and pull the hand away. This reduces exposure to the heat and possible severity of any burn that might happen. Of course the brain could then decide to risk touching the hot object again to better determine if it is actually dangerously hot or if the reflex just overreacted.

After touching a hot stove you immediately withdraw your hand and step back What kind of reflex arc is involved Where are the receptors located and what is their function?

This type of reflex never in fact reaches the brain. The reflex arc begins with the perception of temperature, moves to the peripheral spinal chord, and is immediately sent back into a muscular contraction to move the hand away.

What kind of action is a sneeze?

It is a reflex action which is an autonomic (automatic) nervous system reaction to stimuli. It is the respiratory system and the nervous system working together. The pepper is an irritant to the nasal mucosa and it signals to the brain to sneeze and get it out of there. Another example of a reflex action is when you touch something extremely quickly pull your hand away.

When someone swings at you and you blink is it flinching?

Blinking in such a situation is a primitive automatic reaction to protect the eyes, and also to prepare for flight or fight. No. It is an automatic reflex to protect your eyes. Everyone would do it. If you moved your head back that would be called flinching. If someone gave you a hard pinch, and you moved away, that would also be flinching.

What is an example of a intrinsic reflex?

Pulling the hand away from a hot object.

What is difference between reflex and reflux?

A reflex is an involuntary movement to a stimulus - a pin prick causing a hand to be snatched away. A reflux is a distillation technique.

What is an example of a stimulus and and response?

stimulus= touching something hot response= moving hand away :)