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Depends on how long your hair is.

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Q: You quit smoking weed 75 days ago is it possible to pass a hair test?
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How do i pass a hair follicle if i smoked weed?

Stop smoking Weed than you'll Pass :) ____________ I believe THC stays in the hair follicle for several years regardless of how many hair cuts a person gets or how many times a person colors their hair. The answer's a no-brainer..... stop smoking if you want to pass.

What effects does passive smoking have on a person?

if you walk pass someone smoking and you inhale some of the smoke it will be the same as smoking but not harmful if you quickly get away from the person smoking. if your close friends smoke and your passive smoking nearly most of your days then this will be the same as smoking and will lead to poor lungs and a weaker heart so i recommend when you see someone smoke and your walking pass them , get pass them as quick as possible. And if your friends do smoke convince them to quit to make the world a better healthier place :)

How do you pass a piss test after smoking pot for years?

You don't. That is the purpose of the test. The only way to pass is to stop using and give yourself a good 30 days for your system to clear out. And a hair test will indicate use for months.

Used to smoke with friends 2 months ago yet quit and have 60 days clean is it possible to pass a hair test?

friends 2

Can coffee help you pass a drug test when you quit smoking 20 days ago?


How long does it take to pass a drug test after smoking weed?

31 to 45 days

Will you pass a hair follicle test if you smoked marijuana 99 days ago?

Yes-they generally test for a period of three months prior. Yes-they generally test for a period of three months prior.

If you stop smoking for one month before your hair drug test will you pass?

Probably not. The chemical becomes part of the hair. After being clean for a month, your hair would have only grown about a quarter of an inch. All of the hair that is longer than that will tell your usage history.

How do you pass a mouth sowb test usd twe days ago smoking Meth?

You don't.

Will I pass a urinalysis after smoking meth 4 days ago and a small dose?


After smoking crystal-meth how until you will be able to pass urine drug test?

from 3-5 days

Does Azo standard cleanse the body of THC?

hell to the no!!!!, Stop smoking for at least 40 days if you plan to pass a drug screening Ron T. Tre fo \ hell yes it does use as directed stop smoking two days before the test and drink as much water as possible your clean till u smoke again