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The unicorns in your dream represent something that has a particular meaning to you. Among other things, unicorns might symbolize joy, fantasy, creativity or innocence. Exactly what they represent in your dream depends on what you felt during the dream (wonder? joy? fear?) and what the unicorns do in the dream. For example, they might represent happiness; if they run away, that would mean that you feel as if you cannot hold onto happiness. On the other hand, if the unicorns allow you to ride them, that would suggest that you feel that you have achieved happiness.

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Q: You see unicorns in your sleep?
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Where do unicorns sleep?

In japan, of course!

Why do unicorns eat grass?

Because you see Unicorns omnomnom on grass so they can see the green leprechauns running in between. Leprechauns are very sneaky and like to annoy unicorns.

how to see a unicorn?

unicorns are not real

Why can you see unicorns when people say they are fake?

you can see them in your dreams

Is it possible to see an invisible unicorn?

No. Unicorns are mythical - you can't see any.

What time you can see the unicorn?

Never. Unicorns don't exist.

Where in the us can you find the most unicorns?

The most unicorns can be found in Immokalee, Florida. There are so many unicorns here that you can often see them on every corner. The main street has even been renamed to "Unicorn Ave."

Why dont you see horns when you kill unicorns on runescape?

Unicorn horns are members-only items. If you are a member, you will get horns when you kill unicorns. Otherwise you won't.

Do unicorns like pumpkins See I have one in my backyard but I don't know what to feed it?

Unicorns don't like pumpkins. They prefer pizza. Hawaiian to be exact.

Why do I think I see unicorns and rainbows but they're not really there?

you have gone mentally insane, my good friend. i suggest some real psychiatric help. its very simple. think of it this way; rainbows you see, unicorns you don't. and if you for real do... talk to a scientist about revealing these unicorns to the world before they go extinct.

What do unicorns see?

Unicorns are said to be able to see the whole world round. Maybe this is why they are so good at avoiding capture. But because they see so much they are prone to much distraction and therefore often don't pay attention to things they should.

When was the unicorn existence?

unicorns still exsist, but you have to be a maiden to see them . oh and you have to belive.