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Neither, spend more money on real health care for people. People are more important than any of those explorations.

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Q: You should spend more money on space exploration or ohn ocean exploration?
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You should spend more money on space exploration or on ocean exploration?

Ocean Eploration

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How are space exploration and ocean exploration similar?

Exploring, it obviously takes some money to "explore" right? So they are similar when you meet them with studies! IT COSTS LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY!

How is the oceanic exploration similar to space exploration?

Exploring the ocean and exploring space are similar because they both cost lots of time and money to explore. When exploring space, you must use a vehicle that is designed to with stand extremely low pressures. When exploring the ocean, you must use a vehicle that is able to withstand very high pressures. exploring space is EASIER than exploring the ocean, but costs more money. Exploring the ocean is HARDER, but costs less money.

How is oceanic exploration similar to space exploration?

Exploring the ocean and exploring space are similar because they both cost lots of time and money to explore. When exploring space, you must use a vehicle that is designed to with stand extremely low pressures. When exploring the ocean, you must use a vehicle that is able to withstand very high pressures. exploring space is EASIER than exploring the ocean, but costs more money. Exploring the ocean is HARDER, but costs less money.

What are the types of exploration?

•Arctic exploration•Cave exploration•Desert exploration•Mineral exploration•Ocean exploration•Space exploration•Urban exploration•Mountain explorationAre types of explorations

What are the different types of exploration?

•Arctic exploration•Cave exploration•Desert exploration•Mineral exploration•Ocean exploration•Space exploration•Urban exploration•Mountain explorationAre types of explorations

Advantage and disadvantage space exploration?

space exploration is likely to be mere a total wastage of time and so money.

Should Malaysia join the race for space exploration?

yes, of course."Should Malaysia join the race for space exploration".

Money currently spent on space exploration should be used to alleviate global poverty?

FALSE. NO. Wrong! You Fail!!

How are ocean exploration and space exploration by humans alike?

Space: Easier to sea, easier to move about, not hard. Ocean: Pressure, sea monsters, engine or radar failure, cold temperatures. Above all I would say that ocean exploration is harder.