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Q: You smoke weed once a month how will it take if you weight 155 and 5'7?
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How long does it take if you smoke once a mouth?

Take what?

Will THC be gone in 4 days if smoked once a month?

Probably not. If you smoke once a month it can take as little as a week or more likely 2 weeks. Drink lots of water, I mean lots, and work out frequently. That helps clean your system out.

How long does canibas stay in your system?

Depends on how much you smoke. If you smoke maybe once or twice a month then maybe 6 days to 2 weeks. That's only if your drinking a lot of water. If you smoke more than twice a month then its going to take a while to get it out. Possiblyu a month. But again it all depends on how much you smoke and how much water you drink to get it out of your system.

How can you gain weight in one month easily?

mcdonalds, kfc, no excercise, try to take public transport or a car instead of walking or biking, if you smoke quit smoking.

How long will it take to clean your system if you smoke only on the weeekend?

If you only smoke once or twice a week, then it shouldn't take more than two weeks to give a clean urine sample. It takes two to six weeks (or a month on average) for people who smoke every day, or almost every day.

Can you take chantex for weight loss even tho you do not smoke?


If I smoke one and half joint over the weekend weight 169 pounds height 5'2 female how will it take to get out my system I smoke every six months?

it only takes like, a month to get out. drink a lot of water (cranberries are also helpful)

How long will it take for THC to leave your system if you smoke one blunt in a whole year?

It will take around a week if you don't smoke a lot but if your everyday it could take month

Smoked weed for over 20 years quit using for 75 days was able to pee clean fell off the smoke wagon and smoked for about a month how long should it take to pee clean again?

Depending on your weight, A week- A month.

Does the Short Stack band smoke?

No they dont smoke or take drugs, they just have a drink once in a while

Hello I was wondering how long it will take for pot to be out of my system to pass a piss test I am 5 5 and 110 lbs and want to know how long it will be if i smoke lets say once in a month?

it will take about 20 days to clean out

How long does it take to clean marijuana out of your system?

Weight and height have nothing to do with it. If you only smoke it once in a while it takes 2-3 days to clear your system but if you are a regular user it can take 30 days or so to leave your system.