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Just to give some more info about my question...we have been trying to conceive for some time now and I took a pregnancy test a week ago and it was negative but I'm not sure if the test was done properly. My period normally comes on the 15th of the month; however, I have been a week or so late before. It is now the 23rd, and on the 20th of this month, I started spotting this brownish stuff, the same kind of stuff that normally occurs before each of my periods, it would last no more than 2 days. The only difference this month is that I have been spotting this brownish stuff with the occassioanl red's been 4 days now. It barely gets on a thin pantyliner...I was extremely moody last week, my breast are tender and they are normally tender but as soon as I would start to spot, the tenderness goes away, my breast are still quite tender today. I hope that we are pregnant but could it also just be a very late period?

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Q: You started spotting brownish stuff 7 days pass your expected period could you be pregnant?
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You think you might be a week pregnant but started spotting can you still be pregnant?

If you are looking "not to be pregnant" you are probably in luck. Spotting is an early indication of a late period, in your case.

I had my period then 9 days after I started spotting could i be pregnant?

probably you were pregnant and had a miscarriage

Im 5 weeks pregnant and started spotting brown 3 days ago and went to the dr he had no answers now this morning I am spotting brownish red but have no cramping or clotting am I miscarrying?

this could be old blood--this happen this to be but last one week and you will still have a healthy pregnancy --congrat

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You are 6.5 weeks pregnant and you have very faint light brownish spotting but you have low HCG levels?

Yes, I have. I was 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant when that started. I was told by my doctor that it was likely old blood that was being discarded and that it was nothing to worry about. In my heart this didn't feel right so I requested a sonogram. Sadly, the sonogram revealed that the pregnancy failed (there was no heart beat). So, for me, the spotting and mucus which was accompanied by mild cramping was a sign that my uterus was trying to abort the pregnancy.

17 weeks pregnant and slight spot bleeding after being at the toilet is it normal?

I am also spotting at 17 weeks pregnant. I started spotting off an on with brownish discharge at 10 weeks, alhtough it is now a pinkish color. You should contact your Dr. My Dr. told me that 30% of women spot during pregnancy. She was not concerned b/c she heard the heart beat. She said that spotting can happen after heavy lifting, exercise, intercourse or constipation. I too and trying not to freak out. Good Luck!

Are you pregnant if you started spotting two days after your period?

No, if you menstruated then you are not pregnant - it is possible to bleed when pregnant, but biologically impossible to menstruate during pregnancy. Two days after menstruation spotting is normal, it's just the remaining blood leaving your body.

If you had your cycle at the first of the month and you started spotting last Sunday and your breast are sore are you pregnant?

Only if you had sex.

Can I be pregnant if I had my period in February and March but started spotting for 2 days in April and then it stopped?

Yes. Take a test

What does it mean if you had your period and started spotting for 3 days?

It could still be your period. When I was 18 I got my normal period,then started spotting a few days after.(that had never happened before) Turns out,I was pregnant.So,it's either still your period,or you're pregnant.

Your period started on the day it was expected but you only spotted and it stopped that night what does that can that mean?

i would wait till tommarow, maybe u are justing spotting

You are scared you had a miscarriage you started bleeding at 4 12 weeks pregnant and called the hospital she said it was probably a reaction to sperm It lasted for 3 days stopped and started again and?

If you are pregnant and bleeding red call your doctor ASAP. If you recently had sex it could just be from a sensitive cervix. When i was pregnant and spotting my docs office told me no sex and I was on bed rest for 7 days after the spotting ended.