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obviously a false positive, Adderall in no way resembles the atomic structure of any benzodiazepines. get another lab test ordered ASAP so they can't say you waited too long when you do get the right results this time.

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Q: You tested positive for an unknown benzo and you ONLY take adderall what the heck?
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Absolutely not! Only a benzo will show up as a benzo. I'm not sure if cymbalta shows up, but if you're getting tested just for illegal substances, I'm 99.9% sure it wont, because cymbalta is not a controlled substance. Oh and just a random tip, when it comes to taking urine tests, be sure not to eat anything with poppy seeds, it can make you test positive for opiates.

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I would say no. Ambien is a Non Benzodiazepine, which means it offers similar effects of a Benzo, but is not classified as a Benzo it will not register as a Benzo on a drug test. Valium is a Benzo so it would come up positive for Benzo's regardless of it being Valium or Xanax.

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i personally am on seroquel and am 100% positive it is not a benzo. it is used to treat depression and sleep insomnia. i wouldn't answer any of these questions unless i wass 100%sure.