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Q: You took a pregnancy test and it was positive but then you came on your period could you be pregnant?
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A missed period and/or positive pregnancy test are signs of pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test.

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Signs of pregnancy are absent period and positive pregnancy test. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

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The signs of pregnancy are a missed period and/or positive pregnancy test. Take a pregnancy test to see if you're pregnant.

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The normal signs of pregnancy are a missed period and a positive pregnancy test. Take a pregnancy test to see if you're pregnant.

My period is late by 3 days and i took a pregnancy test and it came out positive with a very strong positive could i be pregnant?

You're late, and you're testing positive. Assuming you've had sex you're quite probably pregnant.

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You very well could be pregnant. Get a pregnancy test if your suspect pregnancy.

Can a Pregnancy test tell im pregnant if im on your period?

If you are genuinely having a period, then the test will come out negative because you cannot be pregnant. However, some women think they are menstruating when they may be bleeding for some reason in early pregnancy. The test then could either be positive or negative depending on the condition of the baby.

Could a negative pregnancy text really be positive?

Depends on how soon you took the test. If you took it before missing your first period, yes it could be positive later. IF not, most likely you aren't pregnant.

Could you be pregnant if no control line showed up but the test line for positive did?

I took a home pregnancy test and the control line didn't show up but the positive line did so could i be pregnant? I haven' had a period since June 25,2009.

You are spotting and im on the NuvaRing could you be pregnant or have an std?

Spotting could represent a side effect of NuvaRing or an STD. If your'e at risk for STDs, get tested. Signs of pregnancy are missing period and positive pregnancy test.

Your last period was February 20 could you be pregnant?

With the newer pregnancy tests available today, you no longer have to wait until you miss your period to guess about pregnancy, since they are able to determine a positive pregnancy status in as little as a few days post-fertilization.

I have been really dizzy and been eating then having diarreha the past week. I have had my period and on birth control. Is there still a possibility that i could be pregnant?

Dizziness and diarrhea are most likely caused by viral illness. They are not signs of pregnancy. A missing period and positive pregnancy test are signs of pregnancy. If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.