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If you had two positive pregnancy tests, then you are more than likely pregnant. Your body produces a hormone when you are pregnant that is only present during pregnancy thus showing positive tests. You should see your doctor about the pain, you could have something else going on. Pain is the body's way of telling you something isn't right and it shouldn't be ignored especially if you are pregnant. You are probably pregnant. On rare occasions you can encounter a false positive due to improper testing, expired pregnancy tests, rare medical conditions such as certain types of cancer, evaporation lines, a recent pregnancy or a chemical pregnancy.

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Q: You took two pregnancy test and both say positive and lately you been having mild pain in your lower stomach could this be an infection or your pregnant and you not really late yet with your period?
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Could you be pregnant if you took two pregnancy tests that came out positive and you have pain in stomach?

If the two pregnancy tests said positive, your chances are pretty good. See your doctor ASAP for proper diagnosis and care.

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Yes, you can be pregnant if your stomach hurt's and you can not eat. Best way to tell, is get a pregnancy test.

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no. stomach symptoms could mean lots of other things and are NOT determinant of pregnancy. get a pregnancy test.

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This is not a symptom of pregnancy.

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A sensation of movement in the stomach is part of the human condition, and is usually due to gas. If you think you may be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant enough to feel fetal movement, you're pregnant enough for a positive urine test.

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Every person experiences different symptoms of pregnancy...the best thing to do is take a pregnancy test after you have missed your period and if it is positive then you need to confirm it with your doctor.

Is severe burn in the stomach a sign of pregnancy?

No, but it may be a sign of an infection or a Sexually transmitted disease. An infection could be an Urinary Tract Infection. You should see a doctor.

My stomach is sticking out ..walk like pregnant can I be pregnant?

You could be pregnant. Have you had your period. Grab your partner or a friend and buy a pregnancy test.

If you have the feeling of gas in stomach are you pregnant?

It was for me. About 10 days after my iui I could not stop belching and passing gas. It was insane...non stop all day. That and itchy nipples were the only signs I had prior to a positive hpt.

Can you get negative Test and have pregnancy symptoms?

im only 5 weeks pregnant and I had pregnancy symptoms before i was even far along enough to get a positive pregnancy test such as minor heartburns, horrible breast pain and nipples sore and itchy. And minor stomach cramps and nausea.

What Measure to avoid hardening of stomach during pregnancy?

nothing will lessen the hardening of your stomach. accept you are pregnant. its only temporary.