

Best Answer

If a rabbit is a brat it is NOT the rabbits should have spent more time w/ it. To streangten a relationship: Take your rabbit out of it's cage and let i wander the floor; Do NOT TRY TO HOLD IT, let it do it's own thing. At first your rabbit may want nothing to do with you but after it my come over to say hello. start from there and move forward P.s. this will not happen over nite

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Q: You want a guine pig but your rabbit is a but your rabbit is a brat how do you fix her?
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My male dwarf rabbit is shedding like CRAZY and i was just wondering if this would be a health problem or is it normal and what could i possibly do to fix this?

i think it is a health problem :/

Antonym for hare?

Another name for hare is rabbit. Rabbits have panoramic vision, which helps them protect themselves from oncoming predators like foxes.

My 6 month old rabbit has recently forgot how to use his litter box what up with that?

Puberty. When a male rabbit reaches 6 months and is not neutered his hormones will be at their peak.The reason a rabbit will then start marking with urine is territorial. Neutering should help to fix this problem. If he has learned to use a litter box successfully before once the hormones have gone he will revert back to this normally.

What is best for a pet a buck or doe rabbit?

Here's the goods and bads of both genders of the rabbit BUCK- They are calm and like attention like most male animals. But if not neutered they can have aggression because of hormones. But if you spay them you will have a calm careless pet rabbit. DOES- Like any animal if you tame them they will act good. But they don't like attention as much as the bucks. But they can be very affectionet and loving toward the onwers. But they sometimes act strange and jumpy if they want to be breed in other word they are in heat. But if you fix them you have a nice loveing animal. My opinion is DOES are better pets. They are happy to be with you and never get aggressive. I breed rabbits so i don't spay or neuter so i put up with the starnge behaviours but it is very managble and if you leave them alone for the couple day they act strange they will be back to normal to there normal selves. But I've heard many people prefer bucks as pets so its a total opinion.

What can you do if your bunny has loose poo?

If your infant bunny has diarrhea, you should bring her to a vet immediately. If your usual "rabbit-savvy" vet is unavailable, any vet is better than none. This is an emergency!If your bunny is not an infant, and loose poo is the only symptom of ill-health, the situation is serious but not necessarily an emergency (yet). Your rabbit is probably in cecal dysbiosis. (Rabbits don't usually suffer from loose poo; what looks like loose poo is probably unformed cecotropes.) Cecal dysbiosis is often the result of a diet too low in fibre. Fix your rabbit's diet (cut down on pellets and greens, completely eliminate all other fruits/veg for now, and really encourage hay), and hopefully her droppings will return to normal. However, if the loose poo doesn't go away after one or two days, or if you notice any other signs of ill-health in your bunny, your rabbit should see her usual "rabbit-savvy" vet immediately. Bring fresh samples of your rabbit's poo to the appointment so your vet can examine it.See the related questions below for more info about a healthy rabbit diet and about what to do when your rabbit is ill.

Related questions

What if do not get female rabbit fixed?

I am fairly sure that you cannot 'fix' a rabbit.

What kind of car is Jacob trying to fix up?

He is trying to fix up a Volkswagen Rabbit.

How do you fix a rabbit's dislocated leg?

If a rabbit is injured it means it has a lot of pain from where ever it is injured. To pick up a rabbit which has injured legs you MUST not touch their legs. You can pick it up any way just not the legs. I (personally) pick a rabbit up by its waist. By picking it up the way I do it, I am not near its legs.

How do you fix on vw polo 2000 1.0?

depends on what it is you want to fix.

Can you fix a 'fly blown' rabbit?

A rabbit with flystrike (from blow flies) can usually be cured by a vet with experience and knowledge in treating rabbits, unless the case is so advanced and complicated that the rabbit should be put down. Either way, the rabbit must go to the vet. See the related question below for details.

How do you fix an itouch?

Depends on the problem. If you want to fix the problem, then find the solution and use the solution to fix it.

What do you do if a baby rabbit is in danger?

You need to take it to the vet because trying to fix the promblem yourself will not work. Take the rabbit to the VET!See the related questions below for more info and helpful links.

How fix lifters?

If a lifter is worn out you are not going to fix it, you will want to replace it with a new one.

How do you clean a rabbit that sleeps in her poop?

Healthy rabbit poo is solid and doesn't stain or make anything dirty, even when the rabbit sleeps in it. If your rabbit is dirty from sleeping in her poo, then your rabbit is sick. You should find out why her poop is so soft and messy, and fix the problem. Most likely, you aren't feeding your rabbit the right diet. Research rabbit care (see the related questions below), and very gradually fix your rabbit's diet. It's important to make dietary changes gradually because sudden changes, even ones for the better, can make a rabbit sick. (The exception is hay. If your bunny doesn't eat much hay, work on that immediately: no amount of hay is too much for a rabbit.) If you are certain your rabbit is eating the right diet, then bring her to a vet immediately so you can find out what's wrong. Either way (no matter what), if your rabbit's messy poo doesn't clear up soon, bring her to a vet because your rabbit is sick, and the longer this goes on, the higher risk of severe illness. If your rabbit is messy, you should clean her, but you must be very careful. Research how to safely wash rabbits, because baths can be very dangerous for rabbits. (See the related question below for details and links.)

How do you fix your iPod Touch when it is blank out how to fix it?

The simpliest way to fix it is by restoring it. If you don't want to lose all your data on it, bring it to a professial service to get it fixed.

How do you fix things on Sim's 2?

To fix things on sims 2 you have to get your mechanical skill high then you click on the object you want to fix and then your sim will if you don't want to study to get your skill high you can call a repair man to study just buy a bookshelf. :)

My male dwarf rabbit is shedding like CRAZY and i was just wondering if this would be a health problem or is it normal and what could i possibly do to fix this?

i think it is a health problem :/