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You're not that heavy but if you're short, lose weight. You have to stop smoking!!! Just think to yourself, do you really want to die soon? Do you want to die in pain? Do you want to leave all of you family, friends, and pets behind? If the answer to all of these questions is no, just stop smoking. Do something to get your mind off of smoking. Exercise. Don't smoke. You might think all of those commercials are nonsense, but they're not. Don't smoke. You'll regret it. You're making a huge mistake.

For example, my grandpa used to smoke all the time. He stopped about fifteen years ago. He's still alive. He is practically immortal seriously!!!! One time his appendix almost burst, a tree limb fell on his head, he had skin cancer, he was ran over by a bus, used to smoke, and is type 2 diabetic. Guess what- he's still alive at 83!!!! Don't make the mistake of smoking. STOP- Before it's too late.

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Q: You weigh 160 smoke everyday and have test soon what can you do?
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Well it depends. If you are around them when they are smoking weed, then you probably would fail the drug test. But if you are with those people when they aren't smoking weed then you would easily pass the test. It all depends on how much you inhale when you are with these people.

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MAybe all depends how much you used to smoke i guess?

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Home drug test only test a small amount of THC levels, and with plenty of water, exercise, and vitamin B it's possible. It also depends on how often you smoke, and how much you weigh.

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Depends on how much you smoke and what drug.

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smoke crack instead