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That could be seizure.

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Q: You were walking out of the room you blacked out fell on the floor and started to shake what caused that?
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What is the difference between someone who has passed out and someone who has blacked out?

A person who has passed out is unconscious as in on the floor; A person who is blacked out appears to be conscious, but has little or no recollection of what they are doing.

What is past tense of walking on the ground floor?

walked on the ground floor

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Sea floor trenches are caused by erosion and under water volcanic occurrences

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Actually walking up the stairs is faster

How can someone get from the 3rd floor to the 20th floor of a buliding?

i said buy even walking the stairs or if the have a elvator.

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You push against the floor; the floor pushes against you - in the opposite direction.

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A wave caused by a sudden shift in the ocean floor is called a tsunami.

What did geologists of the late 1700's conclude about Earth's landforms?

that it caused sea floor spreading

What is an onmatopoeia for a baby wlaking?

the pitter-patter of their feet walking on the floor.

Why is the ocean floor expanding?

Because of sea-floor spreading caused by the mid-ridge

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because its scared of your vibration on the floor and how your walking

Can standing and walking on a concrete floor cause osteoarthritis?

We'll have to wait and see...