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Sounds like a spark plug is getting hot and shutting down or a coil.

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Q: Your 1997 ZL 440 Arctic cat bodges and back fires after long periods of use or during a long ride?
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What are the primary jobs in the arctic?

men go hunted for food and women make fires

Are there blizzards in the Arctic?

Yes, there can be thunderstorms in the Arctic. They are uncommon because storms require sufficient heating at the surface. When they do form, their lightning can cause destructive wild fires.

How does humidity affect forest fires?

Humidity affects forest fires by influencing the moisture content of vegetation. Low humidity levels can dry out plants, making them more prone to ignition and rapid fire spread. High humidity levels can dampen vegetation, reducing the fire's intensity and spread.

How many people were injured during the Ash Wednesday fires?

According to official reports, around 5,000 people were injured during the Ash Wednesday fires in 1983.

What did a firefighter do during world war 2?

He put the fires out!!

What are the precautionary measures to be done in typhoons fires and earthquakes?

The precautionary measures to be done in typhoons are check and clean community drainage system to prevent flood. Evacuate the place during fires and during earthquakes.

What are common causes of forest fires?

Lightning starts hundreds of fires every day, during fire season. Human carelessness accounts for a large number of fires in some areas that are accessible to humans.

Where does Catching Fires conflict occur?

Catching fires conflict occur in an area where its very windy hot and humid. Usually during the months of September, October, and November is the time where many wild fires occur.

What types of atmospheric conditions and human behaviors can result in wild fires and dust storms?

usually during dry conditions with less moisture in the atmosphere,fires and dust storms easily occur...example in Ghana during the "harmattan" season which is also known as the dry seson,bush fires and dust storms are rampant

Can you have bon fires during a burn ban?

No...? That's why it's called a ''burn ban''

What did watchman do?

They patrolled mainly during the nighttime hours and their main responsibility was watching for fires..

How many electrical fires are there a year?

According to the USFA, during a typical year, home electrical problems account for 26,100 fires and $1 billion in property losses. About half of all residential electrical fires involve electrical wiring.