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Your dog has cancer, I'm sorry.

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Q: Your 4 year old shihtzu has a hard lump on her tail?
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How many times can a shihtzu have babies a year?

it depends on how many babies she has

What could a small hard lump be on the back of a 16-year-old's head?

It could be a growth, so you ought to see a doctor about it.

What could a hard pea size lump on right side of 7 year olds head be that seems like it is attached to scalp be?

It is too hard to give you an answer with this limited amount of information. Please see the doctor.

4 yr old hit forehead on metal gate 5 days ago carried on runningplaying afterward but still has bruise and a hard lump on forehead. Is this normalWhat should a lump feel like hard or soft?

A 4 year old who hit his head may have caused some injury, but if he is acting okay is not likely to be serious. The lump caused by such an injury will typically feel hard. If the area seems very sensitive the child should be taken to a doctor to make sure there is no skull fracture.

What does a lump on your tail bone every time before we get our periods and lump lasts for nearly 3 weeks mean?

well to put it simply you are gonna die with in the year because it is cancer.the only way to save your self is to masturbate 5 times a day until it stops happening.I had the same was the best 5 months of my life XD.

I have a medium sized hard lump under my skin on my forarm by the inside of my elbow it seems to be just getting bigger and more painful i have had this for over a year what could it be?

Lymphoma, see a doctor, TOMORROW!

How does your 1 year old daughter have a lump in her breast?

Ask her doctor.

What might a naughty child find in their stocking on Christmas morning?

A lump of coal or a note from Santa reminding them to be good next year.

Why Lump behind head know bald spot?

Lump behind head went to high school with bald spot. They took Spanish together their junior year.

What could a lump on your inner right thigh be ben there a year it is around size of large grape can not be seen just looking at skin does not hurt at all hard to the touch no other breakouts ever?

If the lump is large and has been there for a year then your Local Medical Doctor should know about it sooner rather than later. It could be nothing but it also could be very bad news - only a doctor will be able to know.

What is a lump in the ear of elderly cat It appears clear and is not painful the cat has had tis lump for over one year?

It may just be like a mole. i would consult a vet to be on the safe side

how many times does a dog wag his tail?

they wag i]their tail 3 to 4 a secnd and 31536000 a year