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You MOST DEFINETLY need a trip to the vet. This could be serious.

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Q: Your 7 year old male Doberman is making huffing noises after vomiting last night is he okay or do you need a trip to the vet?
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It could be making "noises" because it could be "crying" in some way for some reason. If you are giving it a hug or stroking it then it could be making noises because it likes you stroking it and making a fuss of it. Or it could be growling or barking at you/somebody else for some reason.

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It's probably just the stomach flu.

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This is too general of a question. Please describe the noises.

How do you stop a dog from making gagingnoises?

I Got A Spray Called ''Pet Control'' which Makes A Noise And Stops Them Making Noises!! Bring it to the vet! Why is it making gagging noises? I don't think it is really that humane to spray a dog with something that makes them stop making noises. Just sternly say "no" so your dog loudly so he/she knows you are angry.

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yes, Guinea pigs make low noises to tell that she/he feels sick

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The haunted house could contain noises. The noises would be what is making the house appear to be haunted.

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Starts making noises on turns.