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Q: Your boyfriend is 17 and you are 16 and live in Florida can your mom put a restraining order on him if there is no violence or threat?
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Does someone have to actually break the law to get a restraining order on them?

No The restraining order can be placed when there is threat or perceived threat of violence, harassment or stalking. The court will hear an application when any of the above concern you about your safety. These are just some of the reasons people seek a restraining order, check with your local PD for more advice.

Violence or the threat of violence is what?

Violence or the threat (verbal threat) of violence is considered assault in the United States. The threat of violence is a crime and can result in jail time.

How can parents get a restraining order against their 16-year-old daughter's boyfriend in Texas?

In Texas there are two forms of such action. A restraining order is in connection with a civil suit. A protective order can be granted if there is proof of physical violence or a serious threat of physical violence against a family member. Simply "not liking" someone is not sufficient grounds for the court grant such a request. Contact the state's district attorney's office in your county of residence to discuss the specifics of your situation.

Can you remove a restraining order?

In the USA a person can remove a restraining order by reaching the County courthouse where it was issued and petition the Court regarding its procedures and regulations to have the restraining order removed. Once you have that information you or your attorney can ask for a Court date whereby your case for having the restraining order removed can be presented. In many cases these restraining orders were issued as you were named as a threat or possible threat to a person or persons. Be prepared to provide evidence that the threat or implied threat has no foundation in facts.

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Can you put a restraining order to a person that threatening but not related?

Yes, if there is grounded proof that sed person poses a physical threat. I suggest hiring a lawyer, laying out the evidence, and if the lawyer sees ground for a restraining order, sed person will set up restrictions and a court date with a County or State District Attorney or Judge, according to the degree of threat, and a court date will be set. apperntice, journeyman, master

Can I put a restraining order on my ex?

You can get a restraining order on anyone you want, as long as you have a legitimate reason.

How do you make him ask you out?

blackmail and/or the threat of physical violence.

Which characteristic of terrorism refers to having the ability to inflict violence or the threat of violence?

State terrorism

If your boyfriend clicks in your face should you call him back?

If he made a gun gesture and a clicking noise, I would take that as a threat. That would need to be reported to the authorities. You could also get a restraining order for that kind of behavior. I would not call him back.

The term for the use of random acts of violence or the threat of such violence by an individual or group as a political strategy?


Is a bad review a terrorist threat what do you all think?

No the threat must instill terror, usually through violence.