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Lung cancer isn't contagious like flu, but if you're around him whe he smokes you can get cancer by breathing in the secondary smoke.

The 'studies' that linked lung cancer to exposure to secondhand smoke related to 'spousal exposure', i.e. 24x7 exposure in the home over several DECADES. Of these studies, over 80% produced inconclusive results and a couple even suggested a beneficial effect. Only by cherry picking the studies that gave the 'right result' and performing some 'creative' statistics on them could they 'prove' an epidemiologically insignificant increase in risk. In other words, had the 'studies' been performed on anything other than smoking, they would have been binned!

IF there is a risk of lung cancer from secondhand smoke, it is grossly over-exaggerated.

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Q: Your boyfriend smokes can you get lung cancer from him?
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Well because lung cancer is caused by smoking and over 85% of the population smokes and nose cancer is not.

Can a fifteen year old smoker get lung cancer?

Yes. YES anyone that smokes can get cancer

Do you know Anyone who smokes?

A lot of people smoke. Smoking is kinda dangerouse to the lungs , it can cause lung cancer. Almost everyone smokes.

Who can catch lung cancer?

Lung cancer is not an infectious disease, so people do not catch it, but people can develop it. Anyone who smokes cigarettes is particularly at risk, although even nonsmokers can develop lung cancer. Asbestos inhalation is also a risk factor.

How does a person develop lung cancer?

She or he smokes to much or breathes in bad air. Don't smoke that crud ever!

Does Robert Pattinson have pre mature lung cancer?

yes, he was diagnosed with pre mature lung cancer. the caner is found to be benine which means it will spread if not properly cared for. it is noted that he smokes which increased his chances for the disease.

What main lung diseases linked to someone who smokes?

I would say lung cancer... I had people who died of lung cancer because they smoked. Theres about 4 million people die worldwide by smoking, it is estimated that from 1964 and 2004 that 12 million people died

What is the effect of smokes?

one of the afects is lung cancer yellow hands and teth smelly cloths thts all i know!

Conclusion of lung cancer?

Absrract of lung cancer

What month is lung cancer?

Lung cancer is not a month.

If you kiss someone who smokes will you get what they will get e.g lung cancer?

You will not get smoker related sicknesses through kissing - however passive smoking has been proven to be a danger to non smokers.

What color does a lung turn when a person smokes?
