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I'm glad you took your dog to the vets and the vet probably gave you antibiotics for your dog. Keep your dog indoors and be sure they are warm. Laying on the floor (rug) with your dog (or if you don't mind them up beside you on blanketed couch) take rest periods. Be sure they have fresh water and pay attention to how much water they are drinking (they will have to urinate more so be prepared to let your dog out more) and go outside with them and bring them straight back in. Keep an eye on whether they are eating all their food or just a bit. For now your dog may just feel like a bit of food every so often and not eat it's food all at once and it's nothing to worry about. Don't allow children to bother them and let them rest. The antibiotics should knock the Bronchitis right out of your dog. Please let us know how your dog is doing in the next couple of days.

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Q: Your dog has bronchitis what can you do to make him more comfortable you did take him to the vet and he gave him medicines?
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