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kick it in the head

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Q: Your dog has chewed something while trying to get back inside the house how do you stop it?
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He's trying to avoid you.

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Well the first question you need to ask yourself is: what makes something inside and what makes something outside...The actuall building would be outside but the inside of inside...but it depends if you have a built in garage or one that is not attached to your house, one attached to a house would be inside

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yes there are ghosts could be in your house because they are dead family trying to worn you about something.

What in your house would you be most upset to find a dog chewed?

furniture, carpet, shoes/clothes

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some safety tips for when you are inside of your house you must stay in the house go to the lowest level and go where there is no windows just incase they shatter!!Also be calm so you do not get paranoid and something can happen to you!!!!

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bar inside a house around a house