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Take him to the vet.

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Q: Your dog has crusty sores all over his body Taking antibiotics for 3 weeks and getting worse What can you do?
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Your dog has itchy ears and crusty sores on body?

YEs. But her ears don't itch as much as hurt. She doesn't scratch at them, just shakes her head violently. he sores hurt her...she doesn't bite at them, but they are growing and crusty. No Mange, antibiotics and steroids don't help.

What antibiotics work on cold sores?

None. Antibiotics are poisons for killing bacteria, they do not work on a virus, which is the causative organism in cold sores (Herpes Simplex Virus). There are anti-viral medications that can be prescribed to help lessen the cold sore symptoms and duration, however, which are: valcyclovir, acyclovir, and famcyclovir

You had chickenpox and now have an infection that is itchy and crusty what is it?

An itchy, crusty infection immediately following chickenpox is likely to be impetigo due to secondary infection of chickenpox sores. See your health care provider as soon as possible for effective diagnosis and treatment.

How do you cure mouth sores on Black and white Tegu?

To treat mouth sores on a Black and White Tegu, you can apply a topical antiseptic solution to the affected area. Keep the enclosure clean and maintain proper humidity levels to prevent infections. If the mouth sores persist or worsen, consult a veterinarian who specializes in reptiles for further evaluation and treatment.

What causes dog sores on back that bleed?

A few causes of sores on dogs backs that bleed are anemia, blood pressure, or dog lice. Dog lice irritate the skin causing oozing sores and crusty ear tips.

Can you get a disease from getting to many cold sores?

No you can not.

Can sunburn cause cold sores?

Getting a sun burn doesn't cause a cold sores but it can trigger break outs. The oral herpes virus is what causes cold sores.

Why don't antibiotics help fever blisters?

Fever blisters (also called cold sores) are caused by the activation of the herpes simplex virus in the facial nerve. Antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infection.

How do you prevent from getting cold sores?

It is difficult to prevent cold sores; if you are infected, lower the stress on your body, such as not getting a cold or the flu, not getting enough sleep, or staying in the sun for long periods of time without applying sunblock.

Small sores itchy on face that are contagious spreading?

This sounds like a highly communicable illness called impetigo and should be treated with antibiotics.

Does using honey prevent you getting ill from radiation?

A study has shown that taking honey during radiation therapy of head and neck cancers can significantly reduce mouth sores. It does not appear to be a panacea for radiation in general.

What impact does dandelion tea or capsules have on canker sores?

Taking dandelion (Taraxacum officinale ) tea or capsules may help heal sores and also prevent future outbreaks.