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hey, obviously somethings wrong but remember it can take up to 24hrs of labour for your dog to give birth just give the dog time let her be on her own If still nothing happens you should get a vet, the puppys could be stuck putting both dog and pups in danger. hope i could help, happy halloween xxx shazzi

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Q: Your dog is preganent but her puppies cant come out?
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How will you know if your dog will have puppies on Nintendogs ds?

you cant have puppies!!!!!!!!!!!

What does it mean when you spade your dog?

They cant have puppies.

Where do puppies Com from?

From their mom you see the Moma dog gets pregnants with papa dog then come the puppies!:)

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no, when they are fixed, they cant have any puppies

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yes it can but puppies cant

How many months will your dog be preganent?

Approximately 58-63 days.

Can a dog hold a grudge on someone for murdering their pup?

No they cant. You see puppies get taken away all the time. I have a dog and we had to kill all the puppies. And my dog still tackles me and licks my face. So..... NO

When do puppies come out of the mother dog?

Most come out at night dusk to dawn

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the other puppies will be born and the dead puppy will simply just come out.

What do you due after my dog delivers?

Let her clean them and do what she do but u cant touch the puppies until they get bigger

Do dog reproduces?

Yes that's how come you see puppies here and there

When will momma dog stop growling when you come around her and her puppies?

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