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Hopefully he had a signed "power of attorney" on file with his doctor or lawyer. Without an official legal document, the process may be overwhelming, so it's best to consult with a lawyer for legal advice on this matter.

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Q: Your father is in a coma How do you legally take over his estates bills accounts?
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Bills father was paige raisbeck

What is bills accounts receivable?

Accounts receivable is money that was owed to you being paid/

What is bills receivables and bills payables?

Accounts Receivable = money someone owes to you (you receive money in) Accounts Payable = money you owe to someone else (you pay money out)

How do you evaluate an accounts payable?

total the amount of owed bills

What is 'special accounting'?

A bank account for people who were born with diahorea

What do chinese people use for money?

Bills, coins and bank accounts

Difference between account payable and bills payable?

Accounts Payable releted to Creditors and Bills payable releted to bank.

What happens when the executor spends the estates money and does not pay bills?

They have breached their fiduciary duty. They can be held liable and prosecuted for theft.

If your father dies are you and your siblings responsible for his bills?

Your father's estate is responsible for his debts. If he owned any property at the time of his death (including real estate, personal property, bank accounts, etc.) his estate must be probated and that property must be used to pay his creditors. If he owned no assets then his ceditors are out of luck and you should send the bills back with a copy of his death certificate.

Who pays the utility bills in a corporation?

Bills to companies and corporations are usually sent to the accounting department; a segment of accounting is 'accounts payable'.

The best ways to prevent overdue accounts?

Simple, pay your bills on time

If legally separated are you responsible for their medical or credit card bills?

yes if they have your name on it