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Yes it will grow back again if you are lucky. HAHAHA!

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Q: Your hamster pulled his tooth chewing on cage bars will the tooth grow back?
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It's a tooth used for chewing, back of mouth.

Does gnawed mean chewed?

Basically. Gnawing is more of a front-tooth type of chewing, while plain chewing usually uses the back teeth.

If a hamster loses hair around their nose does it ever grow back?

I had a hamster who used to chew at the bars of his cage and this rubbed the hair away from around his noes. it started to grow back but then he started chewing again so we were back at square one. But for the period of time he was not chewing it started to come back so I would say it depends on the cause of the hair loss.

What if your a hamster loses a whole tooth?

It will grow back, don't worry, but it might take some time.

Hole in your back tooth and some of the tooth is chipping and it hurts when chewing food and it gets down in the tooth what is the problem?

Not necessarily a cavity. May be sensitivity to salt or chemical composition of dissolving foodstoof.

How do you take out your tooth easier?

hi i just got out one of my back teeth today. Well, I was chewing gum or candy. So i suggest if you want your tooth out faster to chew gum with the back tooth that is wiggly. Hopefully it will come out. Mine did.

Should my sons lip be swoolen after having his tooth pulled?

yes its normal if his lip is swollen after his tooth is pulled, the numbing medication may have made it swell when they injected it in his lipthe feeling will come back after a couple of hours

Is it possible when you had your back tooth pulled that the tooth next to it was lifted?

No. I am going to assume that the most likely reason you tooth was pulled was due to a significant amount of caries (cavities) or disease to the surrounding periodontal (gum) tissue. So the bacteria that caused your first tooth to be pulled could have already done damage to the tooth next to it. In your case, the bad tooth was probably helping support the one next to it, and once it was pulled, the tooth left behind is on its own. So in this situation the extraction had very little to do with "lifting the tooth next to it" Give it a 4-6weeks for the healing process to complete and the loose tooth should firm up.

What is a retraction cord?

Retraction cords are used during the preparation of a tooth to receive a crown. The gingival tissue must be pulled back from the tooth so that a good impression can be made.

What do you do when you got your tooth pulled out and its still bleeding but you want to go to bed?

If the pulled out tooth was intentional, then just keep swilling your mouth out and sucking the gum where the tooth just came from. You should not go to bed with your mouth bleeding seeing as its quite easy that way to drown on your own blood whilst asleep. Lovely isn't it? But if it was not intentional, then push your tooth back where it came from in the gum because then there is a chance that it will stay there and that it will grow back in to the gum

What happends if the oral surgeon pulled the wrong tooth?

If he or she does, the tooth can not be put back, so he or she would have to have surgery to give you a fake tooth, you also may be able to sew for waist of time, pain and troubles, lost wages as well.

My 5 year old son had his two baby top teeth pulled when he was 2 years old.When should his teeth grow back in?

They will grown back between the time of 5 - 8 years. The fact that they were pulled prematurely does not affect the growth of the tooth.