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maybe you just need to go to the bathroom and sit there until you find what is it! or drink plenty of water.pain reliever..and if pain still there you need to see your dr. Goodluck

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Q: Your lower left side stomach hurts you?
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Its not cancer. mine hurts when i push everywhere. try laying down and pushing on your stomach, ovary,and lower abdemin whence your better. if it hurts then you have an infection

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if it is lower abdomen pain in the left side when you are looking down it could be appendisitis. i know your appendix are on the right side, but you get pain on the left. go to the doctors.

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The spleen is located on the side of the stomach. It is in the upper left hand side of the abdominal cavity.

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Have you given any thought to possible kidney infection? It could be a compressed disk. Mine was on the right side.

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your stomach is on the left side of your body

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