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If you were an authorized user on your mother's credit card, then you are also responsible for outstanding debts on that account. If your mother had a Will and it was probated her bank accounts would be frozen, creditors paid off as well as any outstanding taxes on house/property and loans. The amount she charged on the credit card should have been paid by any money left in the Will. However, if she had little or didn't leave a will then I am sorry to tell you that you are responsible for the whole bill.



I sorry but that answer is incorrect. There are different types of signers on a credit card agreement. There is the Primary, who's credit rating actually got the account. If the primary could not get the card with just his or her rating, then a Co-Signer would be needed that has the good rating. The Primary and the Co-Signer are both responsible for any charges incurred on the credit card. Then , there is what is called an "Authorized User". This is a person that the Primary and/or Co-Signer allows to use the card. They are put on the credit card account to use (charge) purchases to the credit card. HOWEVER, the Authorized user IS NOT responsible for payment, EVER. Alot of collections agencies will try to tell you that you have to pay the debt, but if you are only a Authorized User, you are NOT legally held to pay any part of the debt.. I worked for 3 banks with credit cards and I know that you do not have to pay, no matter what a collection agency tells you. And if they place anything on your credit report, you can sue them and have it taken off, or you can just dispute it, and then sue when the reporting agency does not take it off.


If someone who is an authorized user of a credit card knowingly uses the card AFTER the death of the primary and cosigner, then that Authorized User WOULD be legally responsible to pay any charges placed on the credit card by them. It is ILLEGAL to continue to use a credit card as a Auth. User when you know that the primary is deceased, and therefore will not be able to pay the debt.

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Q: Your mother passed away and you was an authorized user she had 15000 on her card you used your card after her death to charge 1500 credit card company said you was responsible for that amount?
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