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Yes you can. Most public parks and places simply don't allow it, but if your dog is not aggressive and very friendly you could teach it to walk without a leash. I don't recommend walking down streets without a leash as it could be hit by a car. First when teaching your dog leash train it first. Teach it heel, and all the other leash behavior, then when you walk with your dog without a leash say heel and give it a treat if she walks beside you for awhile. Add more and more length to your walk before you give her a treat then include obstacles, and other people and animals. If she succeeds in her training it should be a piece of cake walking her in a public place without a leash.

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15y ago

When you first put a leash and collar on your puppy, she probably resisted and maybe even sat and refused to budge. Later, as she got used to the leash, she may have started pulling, stopping, or turning suddenly. All dogs need lessons in good leash behavior. They are not instantly instilled with these skills just because you put a collar and leash on them. Training good leash behavior can be demanding, mainly because most dogs get overly excited about going on walks, and once on the walk, they feel free to put their priorities above yours. Some dogs may be set on getting to their destination, such as a park, and want to make the trip as fast as possible; others see walks as a leisurely shopping trip and want to stop at every bush or pole, sniff at every little spot or check out every object in their path.

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16y ago

The puppy needs to be taught to walk on a leash or lead. This is not a natural thing for dogs to do. Coaxing with food will help to teach it .

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Which visual aid best supports the purpose of showing how to teach a puppy to walk on a leash beside its trainer?

A video that shows the process of teaching the puppy to walk on a leash

What is the most reliable dog training leash for a collie puppy?

Any short leash will be suitable for training a Collie puppy. The most important training technique is using a short leash while teaching the puppy to walk at one's side and not pull on the leash. Long reel leashes are not recommended for training the puppy. The short leash should always be slack.

How do you learn a Labrador puppy to walk on the leash?

you dont you hit it and give it a treat

When will a puppy walk?

It will probably walk when it is 3 or 4 months. But if you want your dog to walk on a leash, the dog will probably be 10 months or 1 years old. Try putting the leash on and walking together short distances. Walk more father each time.

When you try to take your dog for a walk and it wont walk what do you do?

give it a treat tighten its leash a LITTLE scratch his head and your ready to go

Can you leave a puppy out side on a leash?

proberly not a puppy but you can kep a DOG on a leash soz if this was not the answer u were looking for!

Can you take your puppy out if you hold him?

If he has a leash

What are the nouns in the sentence He puts a leash on him and takes him for a walk?

The nouns in the sentence are leash and walk.

The man walking his puppy on the leashfragment or sentence?

"The man walking his puppy on the leash" is a fragment, not a sentence, because it does not contain a verb. In this case, "walking his puppy on a leash" is a modifier for "man."Here are two ways to add words to make this a complete sentence:The man is walking his puppy on the leash.The man walking his puppy on the leash is my neighbor.

What do you need to walk a dog?

a leash and i guess that's it. when i walk my dogs i just put them on the leash and walk them around in the grass

How do you leash train a lab puppy?

Good Luck!

Why can't you walk an 8 week old puppy?

Who told you that you can`t walk a 8 week old puppy? That`s a good age to start just get them a harness or collar and a leash and start walking, just make sure you go on short trips to see how far he/she can handle.