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give him a but bath about 3 times a week then take off any matted hair

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Q: Your rabbit has a messy bottom will this go away or should you give him a butt bath?
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Related questions

What happens if you bathe a rabbit and its head gets wet?

If a rabbit's head gets wet, it could get an ear infection. Baths are not usually necessary for rabbits. Healthy rabbits bathe themselves, and as a matter of course you should keep them away from very messy areas. If your rabbit is messy, something is wrong! Baths can be very dangerous for rabbits, whether their head stays dry or not. See the related question below for details and links.

How should a 12 year old girl wear her hair to bed?

Up in a ponytail or messy bus to keep away from tangles.

What will happen if a dog bark at a rabbit?

then the rabbit will run away

Should you bathe a rabbit?

NO. You shouldn't have to bathe a rabbit. Rabbits groom themselves. It isn't very good for the rabbit to bathe them: they can get injured or sick. It's better if you let a rabbit be a rabbit :) If there is something wrong and your rabbit does need a bath, there are careful precautions you have to take. There's a lot of websites online that can help you - refer to Related Questions below for more info.

Are rabbits cannaibals?

Not necessarily, but if a rabbit has babies, then you should keep the father AWAY because he will take them and use them for a snack!

Who plays rabbit in home and away?

Rabbit is imaginery. Nobody but Miles can see her.

Why has a rabbit lost the use of her legs after giving birth 6 days ago?

You should have to get that check out right away with your vetrinarian!

How long does the daddy rabbit need to be away from the babys?

Every rabbit needs it's own cage after it reaches the age of 3 months. Daddy rabbits should never be in the cage with babies.

How old should you take baby rabbits away from their mum?

the baby rabbit should be at least 6 weeks old be four u take it from the mom

How many apples can a rabbit have in one day?

One! It will keep the rabbit doctor away.

How does a rabbit protect itself from predator?

the rabbit don't have anything but speed to get away, when you corner it, it will try to bite you. but overall it just runs away.

Can you take away a mother rabbits young?

A mother rabbit's young are like any other, they should be weaned before you take them away from there mother, and that takes about eight weeks.