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Alfalfa is very different from normal hay, much richer and much higher in fats and proteins.

Your bunny could be in GI stasis, or having a bad reaction to the high sugar/fat content in the alfalfa. You should give plenty of gentle tummy massages, lots of water... and get your rabbit to the vets ASAP

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Q: Your rabbit is not moving after eating alfalfa hay?
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What do you feed your pet rabbit?

You can feed your rabbit a variety of things such as pellets and alfalfa or timothy hay. You can also go to a local pet store and purchase rabbit food.

Can rabbits eat alfalfa sprouts?

Rabbits should have fresh hay available 24 hours a day. Rabbits less than 7 months old may have alfalfa hay, but older rabbits should have grass hays such as timothy or oat hay. Hay is essential to a rabbit's good health, providing the roughage that helps reduce the danger of hairballs and other blockages.

Can rabbits eat straw?

yes, they can, as straw is better for bedding than 1/2 should feed your rabbit about 50% of the daily food should be hay/timothy hay/alfalfa hay (for pregnant or growing rabbits). and the other 50% should be 16-18% rabbit feed (pellets).feed resource's:*no food, cant get to the store today?answer: feed your rabbit 1 handful (NO MORE) cracked corn or oat meal (UN cooked). this should no be continued for more than 2 days!* what type of pellets should be fed?answer: -16% rabbit pellets: before shows or to slim down your rabbit.- 17% rabbit pellets: casual feed.- 18% rabbit pellets: fatten up your rabbit.*what type of hay?answer: alfalfa: pregnant or growing rabbitstimothy: to fatten up rabbitnormal 1st cut hay: casual hay feed.ALWAYS FEED YOU RABBIT TREATS AND FRUIT/ VEGGIES DAILY!thank you

What is a silver marten rabbit?

It is a black and white/silver bunny. They are very cute and most are sweet. (well mine is) They can be litter box trained and everything. Mine eats pellets and dried fruits/veggies. they also love hay. Alfalfa hay is good only as a treat. If you give too much alfalfa they could get diarhhea. Timothy Hay is the best choice. I also recommend giving them lots of toys because they are playful.

Will horses eat alfalfa?

yyes you can if you have a horse!! barley is an oat and horses love oats

Related questions

What kind of hay should my 9-week old rabbit have?

Rabbits that old should have alfalfa hay

Why shoud a rabbit not eat alfalfa?

Actually alfalfa in small quantities will not hurt your rabbit. Either a sprig of fresh or a small handful of hay is a great treat.

How do you get a dwarf rabbits attention?

Use alfalfa hay, or anything you know your dwarf rabbit likes.

Can you feed your guinea pig rabbit timothy hay?

Yeah! You can not too sure about alfalfa though! :]

What should you feed your Pet Rabbit You should give them sheep poo.?

you can feed them alfalfa or timothy hay

What do you feed your pet rabbit?

You can feed your rabbit a variety of things such as pellets and alfalfa or timothy hay. You can also go to a local pet store and purchase rabbit food.

What is best hay for goats?

Either alfalfa hay or grass hay but if would prefere alfalfa hay

Can rabbits eat alfalfa sprouts?

Rabbits should have fresh hay available 24 hours a day. Rabbits less than 7 months old may have alfalfa hay, but older rabbits should have grass hays such as timothy or oat hay. Hay is essential to a rabbit's good health, providing the roughage that helps reduce the danger of hairballs and other blockages.

What kind of hay or grain gives a horse the most amount of energy?

Alfalfa hay gives the most energy and so does alfalfa based grains. Alfalfa is much like eating sugar, in how it can makes you hyper. Racehorses are fed this to have a better performance in races.

How much protein does Alfalfa Hay have?

Alfalfa hay is about 20%-21% protein.

Can dwarf rabbits eat grass?

Yes, any kind of pet rabbit can eat hay. Hay is the most important part of a pet rabbit's diet! See the related question below for more info about a healthy rabbit diet. Timothy hay (a kind of grass hay) is best as a staple for adults, whereas alfalfa hay is good for young and pregnant rabbits. Adult rabbits can eat other varieties of grass hay, too (like brome, orchard grass, meadow grass), but legume hays (like alfalfa) aren't good for them.

What steps should be taken to help ensure the health of a mother rabbit?

A pregnant/lactating rabbit should be fed a pellet that is alfalfa-based rather than timothy hay-based.