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Alfalfa hay is about 20%-21% protein.

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Q: How much protein does Alfalfa Hay have?
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Related questions

What is best hay for goats?

Either alfalfa hay or grass hay but if would prefere alfalfa hay

What precautions should you take when changing your horses diet from alfalfa to grass hay?

You don't really have to worry, because alfalfa and hay are pretty much the the same. Unless you horse don't like hay of alfalfa, don't do it. (I dout your doesn't like hay.

Is there a difference between alfalfa hay and alfalfa meal?

There is. Alfalfa hay is exactly that, hay. Your horse should never eat a first or second cutting. This is usually what dairy cows eat, the protein content is too high for a horse. Alfalfa meal is chopped alfalfa hay mixed with other things incuding molasses. Horses love alfalfa meal and it is a great thing to feed if you have a 'hard keeper'. (a horse that is hard to keep weight on) But remember, just like any sweet feed or grain it has a higher protein percentage and can make your horse run a little 'hot'.

How much does a bale of hay cost in California?

close to $20/ bale of alfalfa

Can to much protein kill a horse?

Most common horse feeds range from 8-24% protein. High protein content feed, (like alfalfa hay) is generally not detrimental as long as the horse has normal kidney function and access to adequate water. Too much protein, therefore, is relative to the condition of the animal.

What kind of hay or grain gives a horse the most amount of energy?

Alfalfa hay gives the most energy and so does alfalfa based grains. Alfalfa is much like eating sugar, in how it can makes you hyper. Racehorses are fed this to have a better performance in races.

What crops are grown in Nevada?

Alfalfa Hay, Carrots, Onions, Timothy Hay, just a few I have seen in person. There is much more.

How much protein is in sage grass hay?

12% if harvested early. Protein value decreases rapidly.

Price of Idaho alfalfa hay per ton?

The price of alfalfa hay in Idaho per ton can be as high as $265.00 a ton. The price depends on the quality of the hay.

Can you give 6 week old bunnies alfalfa?

There is no such thing as providing too much hay to any rabbit, regardless of age. However, alfalfa hay is too high in protein for adult rabbits and should be reserved only for babies under 6 months. A better alternative for adult rabbits is timothy hay. Keep an ample supply of hay readily available to your rabbit at all times. It provides necessary fiber to your rabbit's diet and aids in digestion, and is something healthy for your rabbit to chew when it gets the urge to nibble.

What is alfalfa good for?

Alfalfa is often fed to horses to give the horse more energy. However, if fed to a horse, it should be in very, very small quantities because alfalfa is a legume- not normal grass- and legumes are very, very rich. Alfalfa will cause stones in the stomach because of how rich it is, and these stones can kill a horse when they grow to a large enough size. I avoid alfalfa at all costs just to be on the safe side, and my horse is fine without it.

Is alfalfa good for horses?

Good quality hay can provide most of the nutrients a horse needs. Hay can be grass hay (ex. Timothy) or Legume, more commonly called Alfalfa. Legume hays are much higher in protein than grass hays, although, it should not be the only source of forage for young, growing horses, due to its high Phospherous level. Grass hay and Legume hay mixed is a great choice of forage, other than grass, for horses.