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80 is pretty warm I would not think you need any humidity unless you are in the desert. If I was in the desert, I would want to turn on the swamp cooler.

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Q: Your room temperature is 80 degrees What is the right number should you set on your humidity machine?
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There are lots of numbers that make up weather like temperature, humidity, pressure, etc. Hope this helped! :)

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Yes. Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor actually in the air compared to the amount that could be in the air (saturation point) at the exisiting temperature. So, if the temperature of the air changes and the amount of water vapor in it does not, the relative humidity will be different. But, if the temperature of the air changes and so does the amount of water vapor in it, then the relative humidity could be the same as before the temperature change. That is to say that the air could contain the same percentage of water vapor that it could hold at each temperature, even though the actual amounts are different.

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Temperature of 44F minus 20 degrees would be 24F. The number 24F degrees would be a common temperature on a winter day in the northeast USA.

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