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Yes, it is within the range of normal, 5-7 yrs old. Say hello to the tooth fairy for me.

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Q: Your son just lost his first baby tooth but he is only 5 is this normal?
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Is it normal that My baby has started teething and gets irritable?

Yes, its perfectly fine for a teething baby to be irritable as when the new tooth breaks out of the gum there is immense irritation and pain. So just be patient with your baby at this time.

Why would baby teeth not fall out?

Because its just a baby tooth .... 0-0

Should you get a root canal on a baby tooth?

No. That would just be a waste of time and money. In many cases, you wouldn't even get a root canal on a permanent tooth. You would most likely have it pulled depending on what tooth it is. Just have the baby-tooth pulled since it is going to be pulled someday, regardless.

What if your adult tooth is coming in behind your baby tooth and the baby tooth is not getting loose to pull?

This happened`with our six year old. Sometimes the adult teeth do not "attack" the root of the "baby" tooth and weaken it enough to make it fall out first. This is not an "emergency" but you should probably have the tooth looked at by a pediatric dentist. It is quite normal for the permanent tooth to appear slightly behind the baby tooth and slightly before the baby tooth is lost. If it is "wiggly", it probably won't make much difference whether the tooth is removed or allowed to come out on its own. The tongue does a good job of pushing the permanent tooth forward into position if there is adequate space. A lot depends on the amount of spacing among the baby teeth. Definitely ask your child's dentist about the "arch length" at your next visit. The biggest concern is that the new tooth will not have room to be properly placed. In situations like this, the baby tooth will have to be pulled. Sometimes the coexisting tooth will work out the baby tooth on its own. Some dentists will say to give it one to two months to see if the "baby" tooth works out on its own. One other thing though, ONLY in the lower front is it normal for the teeth to erupt behind. Anywhere else, if the permanent tooth hasn't come out, then the baby tooth may need some help. Basically, it is a judgment call for the dentist, and except in a few extreme cases, there is no "right" answer. To view a chart about teeth eruption, visit the Related Link. For an "answer" from a real dentist saying basically the same thing visit the Related Link.

My son just lost his front baby tooth and now there is a pointed sliver of a tooth where his permanent tooth should be. Is this his adult tooth or just an extra piece of tooth that pushed through?

More that likely it was a small left over peice or fragment if you will left from the tooth.

How do you get a tooth to fall out when its not that wobbly?

If you want your tooth to fall out if its not that wobbly all you need to do is push the top of the tooth backwards and forwards until u feel a string snap.Or....... you can keep wobbling the tooth but... i recomend my first suggestion ... Okkaii I Havee Onee Andd Its Hanging Off But Theree Somee Gum Stuck to it wot wnt come off? any help?

Is it normal for there to be an odor coming from where tooth was removed?

It is very normal. Just keep cleaning and rinsing your mouth per Doctors orders

What does losing baby teeth early mean?

Nothing bad. Its just that you're growing fast.Someone I know lost their first tooth at 4.So don't worry about it, you're just growing bigger.

Is it normal to be burping in the first week of pregnancy?

yes, it is very normal to burp while pregnant, even if it's only your first week. it just lets you know that your body is adjusting to having the baby inside

What happens when a sliver tooth falls out?

when your silver tooth falls out you have to put it back in.

After tooth pulled fever cold sweats?

I just had my tooth pulled yesterday that was infected, I too have a slight fever and had some sweating last night... That is normal when you have a fever

Why don't your baby teeth hurt when they come out?

Baby teeth have no nerves or "feet" like permanent teeth, so when they come out, it's just the tooth.