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Hours well yea if he starts leaving at random times and always at the computer insome way yes he is

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Q: Your spouse spends hours talking to girls on the internet is this cheating?
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Why does your spouse constantly tease that you are cheating?

Your spouse teasing you or not talking is common. They are feeling left out as you are cheating on someone else.

What if you found out that your spouse is engaging in a cyber relationship?

If you have the proof your spouse is engaged in a cyber relationship then you should run off copies of what you have found and confront your spouse. Some people feel flirting; talking dirty, but no sexual contact with the opposite sex on the Internet is not cheating, but it is.

Are internet affairs for married people a considered cheating on their spouse?

As someone with personal experience on the subject, my answer is definitely yes. There is a mounting degree of emotional involvement that occurs between two people on the Internet, and over time it can drastically affect your relationship with your spouse. ANSWER: Yes it is but we call it cheating from the heart. Unless your spouse is only talking through Internet without personal contact with that person its going to that direction of being involve. emotional connection with someone and not your partner or spouse is a bad sign of affair. You need to let your spouse know that you knew and you want him or her to stop..

Will it be considered cheating if your spouse entertains other interested party either in chat rooms emails or talking personally or by phone?

Yes, that is considered a form of cheating. I wouldn't my spouse interacting with anyone interested in them online! He should be spending that time with me not talking to them!

Term for cheating on a spouse?

cheating ANSWER: what about Adultery and Adulteress

What are the consequences of cheating spouse?

Cheating your spouse is not a good thing. It could land you into loneliness and other miserable feelings.

Is having sexual intercourse with someone other than your spouse considered cheating even if you have your spouse's consent?

It is consented but in a way it still is cheating on them

What is the tell tale financial sign of a cheating spouse?

If a spouse wants clues to check them out financially checking credit cards to see if the cheating spouse is staying in motels or hotels; check phone records; bank statements or how much money the cheating spouse is taking out of the bank from a joint account.

How do you rule out infidelity?

ANSWER: Rule out infidelity against what? If your talking about suspecting your spouse cheating it will be a bit hard. What you must do is make sure you have something that can back your suspicion so when you talk to your spouse it will help you understand what's going on with the relationship.

What you think the hazards of cheating are?

It depends on individual, but for sure one of hazardous of cheating is the pain that you can give your spouse. It will make your spouse depressed, low self esteem, feeling not good enough, will loose the safety blanket that your spouse has from you. There are a lot of concequences when it comes to cheating.

What is Cheatin?

" Cheating" is when you sleep or had sex who is not your spouse. And sometimes you fell in love with this person who is not your spouse..

Can spouse sue person your spouse is cheating with?

I don't think they can sue you but, they can get affairs and divcores.