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Q: Zat yang terkandung dalam air dan minyak?
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What are the chemical reaction in the human body?

Since we have about 200 trillion cells and each one performs millions of chemical reactions, the total number of chemical reactions in the human body is too huge to predict with any certainty.UpdateI'm a chiropractic student and watched a video earlier today that indicated the human body undergoes about 400 billion chemical reactions per second every second of your life.Another Possible AnswerThe estimate of cells in the human body ranges from 100-200 trillion. So if every cell did at least one chemical reaction per second, than the number of reactions must truly be higher than 400 billion. Cells perform thousands, if not millions of chemical reactions in every cell every second. I agree with the first answer that the complexity and the total number is too huge to predict or even imagine.If we have 100-200 trillion cells in our bodies, than we have a thousand more times cells in our bodies as the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. If we take one step forward and ask how many atoms do we have in our bodies, that number is also about a thousand more galaxies that we know to exist in the universe.Perhaps it is poetic to say that we are truly made of stardust, and each one of us is the product of several second generation stars that threw up enough dust into space to ultimately congeal into our solar system, with our sun as the center, and this wet rocky planet we all call home, Earth, the third rock from the sun.Another UpdateQuite unlikely that *every* cell in our body performs a chemical reaction every second. Consider for instance, that while 60% of our total volume of blood is found in the veins, only 5% is found in the capillaries where nutrient and waste products are exchanged. Considering keratinized epithelial cells, most apical layers are going to be dead so they aren't going to be reacting much and that's a pretty big part of the largest organ in our body, the skin. Assuming a person has decent amounts of calcium then osteoblast and osteclast should be in a reasonable state of homeostasis. Some cardiac tissue does have fast calcium channels but those are only open for a few 10,000ths of a second over the course of a cardiac cycle which is about 0.83 seconds on average (Guyton's). You'll find a vast number of muscles along the spinal column but the greatest numbers of muscles for proprioception are found along the vertebral columns and as such their main function is to provide an awareness of our spatial orientation.The crux of this info comes from biochemistry, physiology and neuroanatomy and all three of my teachers for those classes come from some pretty well respected med schools (Wash U & SLU) - I'm checking the "bible" of physiology - i.e., Guytons Textbook of Medical Physiology and that book does cite 100 trillion for the total number of cells in the entire body. About 25 trillion of those are red blood cells. Of course, rbc's lack mitochondrians so metabolic pathways such as the TCA cycle would be excluded from their repertoire of activity.Even things like a triacylglyceride (TAG) say a VLDL will have a CII polypeptide that's looking for a receptor (which it should find in an adipocyte) but after that's it's an IDL with a B100 polypeptide and that's only going to find a receptor at the liver and it does take times for various lipoproteins to circulate throughout the system.

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Fungsi dan bagian-bagian organel sel eukariotik?

STRUKTUR dan FUNGSI ORGANEL SEL· MEMBRAN SEL berfungsi untuk mengatur masuknya bahan-bahan ke dalam sel dan keluarnya zat-zat tertentu dari dalam sel. Membrane sel memiliki lipid dua lapis yang terdiri dari protein ekstrinsik (protein yang terdapat di permukaan dalam dan permukaan luar membrane sel ) dan protein intrinsik (protein yang menembus kedua lapis lipid dan terbenam pada lapisan lipid dan bersifat hidrofobik).Gambar 1. Membran sel· SITOPLASMA adalah cairan yang terdapat di dalam sel dan terletak di luar inti sel. Cairan yang terdapat di dalam inti sel disebut nukleoplasma.· ORGANEL SEL adalah struktur-struktur dalam sel yang dibatasi oleh membrane. Organel organel yang penting adalah mitokondria, kloroplas, reticulum endoplasma, golgi komplek, lisosom, vakuola, dan ribosom.· MITOKONDRIA fungsinya sebagai pembuat dan pemberi energi. Mitokondria pada beberapa sel dapat bergerak secara bebas membawa ATP ke daerah-daerah yang memerlukan energi.· PEROKSISOM/BADAN MIKRO adalah hasil asosiasi peroksisom dan glioksisom yang memiliki struktur serupa dengan lisosom. Peroksisom banyak terdapat dalam sel parenkim hati dan sel tubulus kontortus proksimal ginjal. Fungsi peroksisom adalah menghasilkan enzim katalase yang berfungsi menguraikan peroksida hydrogen sebagai hasil samping fotorespirasi yang sangat toksik untuk sel, menjadi H20 dan 02 , merubah lemak menjadi karbohidrat, dan perubahan senyawa purin dalam sel.· MIKROTUBULUS fungsinya untuk membentuk silia, sentriol, dan benang-benang spindel.· MIKROFILAMEN fungsi adalah bertanggung jawab untuk semua gerakan yang ada di dalam sel.· NUKLEUS/INTI SEL berfungsi untuk mengatur seluruh aktivitas sel. Inti sel mengandung DNA dan protein inti (nucleoprotein).· RETIKULUM ENDOPLASMA dibagi atas dua, yaitu reticulum endoplasma kasar (karena permukaan luarnya melekat ribosom) dan reticulum endoplasma halus (karena pada membrannya tidak terdapat ribosom).· APARATUS GOLGI adalah vesikel pipih yang berbentuk kantong yang berkelak-kelok. Fungsi nya adalah untul membentuk lisosom.· RIBOSOM fungsi utamanya adalah untuk mengsintesis protein.· LISOSOM adalah organel ynag berbentuk bulat yang dibatasi oleh sistem membrane tunggal. Fungsinya untuk pencernaan, menghasilkan zat imun, bersifat autolisis, autofagi, dan menghancurkan makanan secara eksositosis. Lisosom dibagi menjadi dua yaitu lisosom primer (lisosom yang memproduksi enzim-enzim yang belum aktif, fungsinya sebagai vakuola makanan.) dan lisosom sekunder (lisosom yang terlibat dalam kegiatan mencerna, fungsinya sebagai autofagosom).· KLOROPLAS merupakan plastida yang mengandung pigmen hijau yang disebut klorofil. Fungsi kloroplas adalah sebagai tempat berlangsungnya fotosintesis.· SENTROSOM hanya dapat ditemui pada sel hewan. Sentrosom adalah lingkaran kecil yang terletak pada salah satu kutub inti. Gunanya untuk membentuk benang-benang spindel.· DINDING SEL adalah struktur yang hanya dimiliki oleh sel tumbuhan yang berada pada bagian paling luar. Gunanya adalah untuk proteksi sel terhadap factor-faktor mekanis dan memberi bentuk sel relatife tetap.· VAKUOLA sebagai tempat cadangan makanan.

What are the chemical reaction in the human body?

Since we have about 200 trillion cells and each one performs millions of chemical reactions, the total number of chemical reactions in the human body is too huge to predict with any certainty.UpdateI'm a chiropractic student and watched a video earlier today that indicated the human body undergoes about 400 billion chemical reactions per second every second of your life.Another Possible AnswerThe estimate of cells in the human body ranges from 100-200 trillion. So if every cell did at least one chemical reaction per second, than the number of reactions must truly be higher than 400 billion. Cells perform thousands, if not millions of chemical reactions in every cell every second. I agree with the first answer that the complexity and the total number is too huge to predict or even imagine.If we have 100-200 trillion cells in our bodies, than we have a thousand more times cells in our bodies as the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy. If we take one step forward and ask how many atoms do we have in our bodies, that number is also about a thousand more galaxies that we know to exist in the universe.Perhaps it is poetic to say that we are truly made of stardust, and each one of us is the product of several second generation stars that threw up enough dust into space to ultimately congeal into our solar system, with our sun as the center, and this wet rocky planet we all call home, Earth, the third rock from the sun.Another UpdateQuite unlikely that *every* cell in our body performs a chemical reaction every second. Consider for instance, that while 60% of our total volume of blood is found in the veins, only 5% is found in the capillaries where nutrient and waste products are exchanged. Considering keratinized epithelial cells, most apical layers are going to be dead so they aren't going to be reacting much and that's a pretty big part of the largest organ in our body, the skin. Assuming a person has decent amounts of calcium then osteoblast and osteclast should be in a reasonable state of homeostasis. Some cardiac tissue does have fast calcium channels but those are only open for a few 10,000ths of a second over the course of a cardiac cycle which is about 0.83 seconds on average (Guyton's). You'll find a vast number of muscles along the spinal column but the greatest numbers of muscles for proprioception are found along the vertebral columns and as such their main function is to provide an awareness of our spatial orientation.The crux of this info comes from biochemistry, physiology and neuroanatomy and all three of my teachers for those classes come from some pretty well respected med schools (Wash U & SLU) - I'm checking the "bible" of physiology - i.e., Guytons Textbook of Medical Physiology and that book does cite 100 trillion for the total number of cells in the entire body. About 25 trillion of those are red blood cells. Of course, rbc's lack mitochondrians so metabolic pathways such as the TCA cycle would be excluded from their repertoire of activity.Even things like a triacylglyceride (TAG) say a VLDL will have a CII polypeptide that's looking for a receptor (which it should find in an adipocyte) but after that's it's an IDL with a B100 polypeptide and that's only going to find a receptor at the liver and it does take times for various lipoproteins to circulate throughout the system.

What is Zat Knight's birthday?

Zat Knight was born on May 2, 1980.

When was Zat Knight born?

Zat Knight was born on May 2, 1980.

How old is Zat Knight?

Zat Knight is 31 years old (birthdate: May 2, 1980).

What is zat in a mughal kingdom?

The Mansabdars were differentiated by the Zat and the Sawar Rank. The Zat referred to the number of troops maintained by the mansabdar and the Sawar referred to the number of horses maintained by the mansabdar. It was dependent on whether the king ordered the mansabdar to maintain more horses than his rank. The categories are shown below: -No. of Sawar = No. of Zat => 1st Class Mansabdar -No. of Sawar = 1/2 the No. of Zat => 2nd Class Mansabdar -No. of Sawar < 1/2 the No. of Zat => 3rd Class Mansabdar

What is the ZAT entrance?

It is not the ZAT; it is the XAT, and is the entrance exam that you need to take for XLRI Jamshedpur. (Xavier's Admission Test)

What has the author Argyo Demartoto written?

Argyo Demartoto has written: 'Faktor-faktor tentang partisipasi wanita dalam pembangunan di Kotamadya Surakarta' 'Studi tentang pelaku tindak pidana narkotika, psikotropika dan zat adiktif di Kotamadya Surakarta'

If a guy told u zat he told a girl b4 zat he likes her bt it happened zat she doesnt like him n told u zat he wont do it again unless hes sure that she likes he givin u hints that he likes u?

No. He might just like you as a friend for sharing his heart. But definetly not a boyfriend

What are the release dates for Is Zat So - 1927?

Is Zat So - 1927 was released on: USA: 15 May 1927 Portugal: June 1928