

Zinc sulphide is comonly used as?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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Zinc sulphide is commonly used as a phosphor in fluorescent lights and cathode ray tubes because it emits light when exposed to radiation. It is also used in the production of luminous paints, X-ray screens, and as a component in some semiconductors.

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Q: Zinc sulphide is comonly used as?
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What is the color of zinc sulphide?

Zinc sulfide is typically white or off-white in color. It can also appear in pale yellow or greenish shades depending on impurities present.

Out of element and compound what is zinc sulphide?

The zinc sulphide (ZnS) is a chemical compound.

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The zinc sulfide is ZnS.

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Zinc is primarily obtained from the mineral sphalerite, which is a type of zinc sulfide. It can also be extracted from other minerals such as smithsonite, hemimorphite, and willemite.

What is the formula for Zinc sulphide?

The chemical formula for zinc sulfide is ZnS. It consists of one zinc atom bonded to one sulfur atom.

How is zinc made?

Most zinc is recovered from zinc sulphide ore that also contains sulphide of other metals as well as silicon dioxide and perhaps other materials. Physical methods are used first to eliminate some of the undesirable substances then the ZnS is heated to recover the zinc. For more details please see the wikipedia article for zinc.

What kind of element is zinc sulfide.?

Zinc sulfide is a compound made from the elements zinc and sulfur. It is classified as a chemical compound, not a pure element.

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zinc chloride +amonium sulphide=

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Zinc Sulphide or strontium aluminate is the 'active ingredient'

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Zinc forms a compound with sulphur. it gives zinc sulphide, known as the mineral zinc blende or sphalerite. Hope I helped:) ^_^

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Zinc sulphide has the chemical formula ZnS.

What equipment and technology that Ernest Rutherford use?

he used a particle emitter, gold foil and a detecting screen made from zinc sulphide