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The Goldilocks Zone, also known as the habitable zone.

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Q: Zone around a star where the planet is just the right temperature for life to exist?
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How does the distance that a planet is from the sun effects the temperature of the planet?

the further a planet is from the sun the hotter it is but if the planet is closer to the sun the colder it is(just saying I don't think this is right but if it is yay for me)

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cause its the right size and stuff and its in orbit around the sun

What is the difference between Gliese 581 c and Gliese 581 d?

Gliese 581 c is too hot for life because it is closer to its star. This planet is similar to venus. This planet traps too much heat that causes a strong greenhouse effect. The temperature is too high and the atmosphere is nearly all carbon dioxide. Gliese 581 d is at the right distance for liquid water to exist. It is at the Goldilocks zone just like the earth. That means life could exist on Gliese d. This planet have the right temperature. It has a magnetic field and a rich oxygen and nitrogen atmosphere.

Can life live on goldilocks planet?

Potentially. A Goldilocks planet is a planet that orbits in its star's habitable zone, meaning it is at the right distance that temperatures could support liquid water. This does not necessarily mean that the planet is in that temperature range, as temperature also depends on the composition and density of the planet's atmosphere and even how light or dark the planet's surface is. Even if temperatures are in the right range, that still does not guarantee that the planet could support life.

Can you live in other planet?

No you will not survive on anouther planet there either to hot or to cold and even if it was the right temperature it wouldn't work out very well

Which planet is easier for humans to colonize?

Earth. It is the only one with the right temperature, oxygen and water.

What are the three goldilocks conditions that earth has that life as you know it needs to exist?

A Breathable Atmosphere, temperature rate, breathable atmosphere, and liquid water. it has nothing to do with Justin bieber and how sexy he is. he has nothing to do with the Goldilocks condition's

What is the planet goldilocks surface like?

There is no planet named Goldilocks. A Goldilocks planet is any planet that orbits in a star's habitable zone, that is at the right distance that it has a chance of being the right temperature to support liquid water. The description does not necessarily mean anything about what the surface is like.

Is earth the only planet that has humans?

Earth is currently the only planet where it is known that beings can exist. However in my opinion the universe is so unthinkably huge that there must be another planet where there are the right conditions for life.

What is the atmosphere of the goldilocks planet like?

It can vary substantially. Whether a planet is a Goldilocks planet is based only on its distance from the star it orbits. If a planet orbits at the right distance that it might be the right temperature to support liquid water, it is called a Goldilocks planet. The nature of the atmosphere would still be affected by factors such as the planet's composition, mass, and evolutionary history.

How earth is a living planet?

As earth supports life,we consider it as living planet,But there are many components on earth which supports life i.e water,atmosphere,temperarure......Its distance from sun provide it proper temperature that suits life....that temperature is such that liquid like water can exist & living beings can survive

Where are the Goldilocks condition on earth that life as we know it must have to exist?

The temperature has to right to allow liquid water to exist naturally. The temperature must not vary too much. The atmosphere needs the right amount of oxygen. There must be enough water for oceans to exist but not too much so that land areas are available for LAWKI (life as we know it).