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Ever heard of Walking pneumonia? It�s actually the name given to a mild form of pneumonia, also known as atypical pneumonia. People who suffer from walking pneumonia don�t usually end up in the hospital or even confined to bed. Most report feeling as if they simply have a bad cold. Symptoms include:

  • Fever and chills
  • Coughing in violent spasms/ no mucus
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Weakness that holds on after other symptoms have vanished
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Q: A Cold, the Flu or Walking Pneumonia?
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Can the flu go into walking pneumonia?

One of the complications of influenza is secondary pneumonia, it may be either viral pneumonia or it could be bacterial pneumonia taking advantage of the weakened state of the host.

How do you get ammonia out of water?

it is pneumonia and you can by being very cold or the flu can turn into it if you have it bad.

Difference in walking pneumonia and pneumonia?

i myself have had walking pneumonia and it is the same infection but with walking pneumonia you don't really feel all that ill. you caould just feel as though you have a cold and you can be walking around and carrying on as normal without knowing you had it. this doesn't mke it any less serious though.

What do chills mean?

You could have a cold or the flu. You may also have something else like pneumonia and so on.

Is it viral or bacterial pneumonia associated with Swine Flu?

Swine flu is, like all strains of influenza and the common cold, viral. The main treatment for swine flu is the antiviral drug Tamiflu.

Are virial infections contagious?

Virus infections are contagious - like the flu, the common cold, viral pneumonia, and so on.

Can you have the flu and pneumonia at the same time?

Yes, in fact that is one of the primary initial complications of the flu: a secondary bacterial pneumonia or sometimes a secondary viral pneumonia.

What is a loud annoying hacking cough?

A loud, annoying, hacking cough is a symptom. It can be a symptom of cold, flu, bronchitis, walking pneumonia, or full blown pneumonia. It can be a symptom of a lung condition-- such as a blood clot, embolism, cancer, or just a localized infection in the lung/s. See your doctor; it's likely viral or bacterial.

What is walking ammonia?

Do you mean walking pneumonia? Pneumonia is a lung disease that usually makes you very sick and weak. Walking pneumonia is when you have pneumonia but are not so sick that you require to stay in the bed.

Why antibiotics are not effective against cold and flu?

The common cold, like influenza, is a viral infection. Although innoculations can help prevent the flu, antibiotics (which kill bacteria) are only effective in treating bacterial infections (such as pneumonia) that may result.

Which type of pneumonia is also known as mycoplasma pneumonia?

walking pneumonia

How do you protect from pneumonia?

One of the best ways to protect yourself from Pneumonia is to get a flu shot since the flu is a common cause of Pneumonia. Another way to try to protect yourself from Pneuumonia is to get vaccinated for Pneumococcal Pneumonia.