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If you suffer from acid reflux, you may have also have suffered from some of the side effects associated with the medications that are used to treat this condition. Unfortunately, some of these side effects can end up making you feel worse than the acid reflux itself. Know the potential complications of common acid reflux medications before you begin taking them.

Over-the-counter antacids

Over-the-counter antacids are the most commonly used drugs for treating acid reflux. Antacids, such as Mylanta, Alka-Seltzer and Rolaids are extremely safe, but mild side effects like diarrhea and constipation are possible if these drugs are used in excess. In extremely rare situations, antacids can raise the level of calcium in the blood to a level that can cause kidney damage.

H2 blockers

H2 blockers include popular brands with which you are no doubt familiar. Zantec, Pepcid and Tagament are H2 blockers that are normally prescribed by physicians to treat acid reflux. These drugs are used over a prolonged period of time, and normally on a set schedule. Side effects associated with this type of drug include fever, skin rashes and severe itching.

H2 blockers work by decreasing the amounts of acid that accumulate in the stomach, therefore lessening the chances of experiencing acid reflux. Proton pump inhibitors

Proton pump inhibitors work very much like H2 blockers. They almost always require a prescription, as there are many more side effects associated with their use. If you are prescribed these medications, some of the complications that you may experience include muscle and joint pain, swollen ankles, abdominal pain, blurred vision and dizziness. Common proton pump inhibitors are Nexium, Prevacid and Prilosec.

Acid Reflux in a common ailment from which many people suffer. Although most drugs used to treat this condition are relatively safe, it is always best to know the side effects that they may produce before using them.

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