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Water will start to condense onto objects when the air becomes "saturated" - when the temperature drops to the dew point (at which point the relative humidity will be 100%).

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Q: At which temperature the water condense?
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What does water begin to do when its temperature reaches the dew point?


What temperature does steam condense into water?

When it is under 100 degrees celsius

Why would water condense or evaporate?

Water is evaporated when the temperature increase and condensed when the temeperature decrease.

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A high temperature favors evaporation and a low temperature favors condensation.

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When As an air mass cools water will condense when?

when the temperature reaches the dew point.

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As an air mass cools water will condense when?

when the temperature reaches the dew point.

If the relative humidity is high and the temperature drops water vapor may?


Is it true The temperature at which water vapor begins to condense on solid objects is called the dew point.?

False, Dew Point is where water vapour begins to condense into a liquid

When does water vapor in air condense?

What does condense mean like if you reading a story and it asks you what does condense mean? What does condense mean like if you reading a story and it asks you what does condense mean?

Why does water vapor condense?

The air needs to be cooled, the amount depending on how much water vapour is in it. When it's cooled sufficiently the water vapour will condense on solid things as water, or become very small droplets (fog/cloud). When this happens in the early mornings we call it dew, and the temperature at which the water will condense is known as the dewpoint.