

Catch Breast Cancer Early

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12y ago

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Breast cancer is a disease that affects millions of women each year. Many survive the disease and subsequent treatment but others are too late in being diagnosed and are not fortunate enough to receive a good prognosis when dealing with their breast cancer. This disease is a tricky one because it often does not have any symptoms. Women look for signs of breast cancer on a regular basis, but many women experience no symptoms at all. Those that do experience symptoms may have a better chance of being diagnosed earlier, which means a better chance of survival.

Even when you have a lump in your breast, which is the most telling sign that you are facing breast cancer, it may be too small for you to feel during a routine self breast exam. When a lump is noticeable in the breast, one that is rough, jagged around the edges and hard to touch is likely cancer. However, even if you notice a soft, rounded lump it is not necessarily benign; some women have felt this type of lump only to be diagnosed as breast cancer by a doctor. Anytime you notice any sort of lump in your breast you should have your doctor check you for cancer.

The American Cancer Society encourages women to be on the lookout for symptoms such as swelling in any portion of the breast, dimpling or irritation of the skin on the breast, pain in the breast and/or a lump in the area under the arm. Each of these symptoms is indicative of breast cancer and should be followed up on with a doctor immediately. In addition, there are several ways your nipples will let you know if you are suffering from breast cancer. Should your nipples begin turning inward or become painful, turn red or scaly or begin to thicken or if they are excreting anything other than breast milk you should have your breasts checked by your doctor immediately. The earlier breast cancer is caught, the better. Early stage breast cancer is easier to treat than cancer in a later stage, which means your chance of surviving breast cancer is far greater.

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Is breast cancer good?

No,but as long as you catch it early,it can be treated

Can breast cancer be detected before birth?

No it can not be detected so early, the girl must be 12 or14 years to have a breast to catch cancer, this is a disease of ladies not children.

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Breast Cancer PainNot in the early stages. In advanced breast cancer, pain is a factor, both in the breast and in the underlying bones.

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The use of a biopsy for the breast is to check for cancer. Women are at a very high risk for breast cancer and a biopsy is a way to prevent the cancer in an early stage.

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please can someone let me know cause my aunt has breast cancer and i am worried

Is breast cancer reoccurring?

You can get breast cancer again, I think you can get any cancer again. Many times people have gone into remission, and been cancer free for years, but the reason it's good to continue having regular doctor visits is because cancer can always come back.Going to the doctor at least once or twice a year is a good way to catch cancer, or any disease early. Cancer can be beat, but the key to winning the battle with cancer is to catch it early enough to get rid of it before it spreads. Even if you've already beat cancer, you must always make sure it doesn't come back.

Is breast cancer curable?

If diagnosed early, breast cancer can be cured. This is one reason, women should have a mammogram as recommended by a physician. Timing is critical.

Can you get breast cancer from other person?

No, breast cancer is not infectous, but if a family member who's a blood relative has it, your chances of getting it are increased because some genetic factors play a role. Doing a breast self exam every month after your period ensures that if you start growing a tumor, you'll catch it early. To learn how to properly do a breast exam look for medical videos online.

Can breast cancer be found early?

Yes. The earlier breast cancer is detected, the better the long term prognosis is.

What is the survival rate of women who get diagnosed breast cancer early?

over 95%

What is the most common cancer for females?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. It mainly influences the breasts and happens more often in women. Checking regularly, discovering it early, and knowing about it are necessary for dealing with and treating breast cancer.

What is a good conclusion sentence for breast cancer?

A good conclusion sentence for breast cancer should let the reader know it is preventable. It should read: Breast cancer is treatable and preventable. Early detection is the key so be sure get regular check-ups.