

Common Symptoms of Pneumonia

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10y ago

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If you have pneumonia, it is important for you to seek medical treatment as soon as possible; otherwise, your condition could get much worse. By looking for these common symptoms of pneumonia, you can determine if you need to seek medical assistance or not. Cough Coughing is a very common symptom of pneumonia, although everyone's cough is a little bit different. It might be a dry, scratchy cough, for example, or you could notice blood or mucus. Shaking If you are experiencing the "chills," there is a good chance that you do have pneumonia. Fever Some people, particularly older adults, do not experience a fever with this illness, but it is one of the more common symptoms of pneumonia. Upper Respiratory Infection Many people start experiencing the symptoms of pneumonia after having an upper respiratory infection, a severe cold or the flu. So, if you have been sick recently, there is a good chance that you have this infection as well. Chest Pain Chest pain, particularly when you breathe heavily or cough, can be a symptom of pneumonia. Rapid Heartbeat For some reason, pneumonia tends to cause a very fast heartbeat in many patients. Nausea, Vomiting and Diarrhea Although a lot of people do not commonly associate these symptoms with pneumonia, there is a good chance that you do have this infection if you have been experiencing these symptoms, particularly if they have been accompanied by other common signs. Loss of Appetite If you are sick with pneumonia, there is a good chance that your appetite is virtually non-existent. It is important to make sure that you eat enough and drink plenty of fluids, however, if you want to get well. Headaches Although headaches can come from all sorts of different things, they can also be a sign of this infection, particularly if you are experiencing other symptoms of pneumonia. Feeling Confused Confusion and a general feeling of disorientation isn't a common pneumonia symptom for most younger individuals, but older people who suffer from it often feel this way. Feeling Weak and Tired Although it might be hard to put your finger on it, feeling weak, tired and bad overall can be a definite sign that you have pneumonia.

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What is the most common symptom of pneumonia?

Pneumonia normally starts off with flu like symptoms (a cough and fever).

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Some symptoms of walking pneumonia include wheezing, coughing, fever, trouble breathing and rattling in the chest. If you have any of these symptoms, be sure to see your doctor for antibiotics.

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There are different types of pneumonia so there is no set standard as to when the full illness will develop. Some people never even realize they have pneumonia and the symptoms, common in a host of respiratory problems, simply disappear on their own.

What are two common symptoms associated with pneumonia?

Coughing up green or yellowish mucus, fever mild or high.

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VAP stands for Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. It occurs in people who are on mechanical ventilation in hospital and symptoms are hard to spot. Hypoxemia and low body temperature are common symptoms.

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A common disease passed from birds to humans - is psittacosis. It produces symptoms similar to pneumonia.

Common diseases caused by Klebsiella pneumonia?

The symptoms are the same as regular pneumonia, but the treatment is with different antibiotics. Also, if you don't have relief from the symptoms in 5-7 days, check in with your doctor. You may need IV antibiotics.

What is Arthritis pneumonia?

Arthritis pneumonia One of the symptoms associated with rheumatoid Arthritis lung disease.

Where did pneumonia come from?

Well Pneumonia comes from a bacteria, but the symptoms were first recorded by Hippocrates in ancient Greece.

Is pneumonia a proper noun?

No, pneumonia is a common noun.

Knowing Symptoms of Pneumonia Can Save a Life?

Every year there are news reports of flu epidemics all over the country, along with deaths from both the flu and pneumonia. Knowing the symptoms of pneumonia can not only help an individual receive prompt care and treatment but can also prevent further illness or death. Types of Pneumonia With the high cost of medical care, many put off going to the doctor for what they believe is simply a cold or the flu. In many cases, what they believed was a simple cold was actually pneumonia. Many people don't really that there are two types of pneumonia. This lack of knowledge often results in failure to seek proper medical treatment. There is bacterial pneumonia and nonbacterial pneumonia. In bacterial pneumonia, symptoms generally occur during or right after a cold or upper respiratory infection. In nonbacterial pneumonia, symptoms may come on suddenly or gradually. Often the patient doesn't even realize they're sick. Symptoms of Pneumonia Just as there are two types of pneumonia, there may also be different symptoms of pneumonia, depending on the type. Being familiar with symptoms of pneumonia can make the difference in getting fast treatment to prevent the pneumonia from escalating into something more serious. Patients with bacterial pneumonia generally have a mucus-producing cough. The mucus may be green or yellow or may have blood in it. They may also have a fever and the chills. Bacterial pneumonia patients may also experience chest pains, with additional pain when coughing. They may also experience difficulty breathing or feel short of breath. Other symptoms include tiredness, weakness, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. Nonbacterial pneumonia, which may be referred to as "walking pneumonia", does not exhibit as many symptoms so many sick individuals go untreated for a long time. The most common symptoms of nonbacterial pneumonia are fever and cough. There may be mucus associated with the cough. Some individuals may also experience shortness of breath. What is Pneumonia? Pneumonia results from an inflammation of the lungs usually caused by an infection. However, pneumonia can develop from breathing some chemical fumes. It may affect one lung or both lungs. Although pneumonia may be a mild disease, it also has the potential of becoming a dangerous disease if untreated. If individuals become familiar with the symptoms of pneumonia, it can mean faster treatment and faster recovery.