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Tomatoes contain a substance called lycopene. Lycopene is a phytochemical that has shown promising results in reducing the risk of prostate cancer. Even men who already have prostate cancer may be able to slow its progress by consuming lycopene rich tomatoes. The key to getting the most from lycopene in tomatoes is to cook the tomatoes first or consume cooked tomato products like tomato sauce. Cooking brings out more lycopene from the product. When cooking tomatoes or making tomato sauce, add a little olive oil. Olive oil is a healthy fat that facilitates the absorption of lycopene.

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Q: Cooked tomatoes are good for prostate health?
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How does different types of tomatoes affect your health?

Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants, and lycopene, all of which are considered to be healthy parts of the tomato. Tomatoes also have fiber, have a high water content, and are low in calories and saturated fat making it a very healthy food to eat.

What is the difference between cooked tomatoes and stewed tomatoes?

It is a canned tomato product where the tomatoes were cooked with onion and celery and sometimes spices before canning.

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he's still alive, but was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2001.

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Excellent, and good for your health. Doctors recommend about 20 times a month for good prostate health (5 times a week). Many women also find ejaculating extremely satisfying.

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5 Tips for Keeping Your Prostate Healthy?

Prostate cancer is the top caner among males, and in terms of fatalities it comes in second to lung cancer across the globe. Prostate cancer is not always easy to detect. In fact, it can go unnoticed for several years before a diagnosis is made and treatment can begin. That is why prostate health is such an important topic for men. There are several things a man can do to ensure prostate health. 1. Eat right. When a person's diet contains the right balance of nutrients it can be good for overall health and specifically for prostate health. Carotenoid, found in fruits like tomatoes and watermelon, can help men maintain better prostate health. Try to include good sources of carotenoid in your diet. 2. Don't stay stressed. Maintaining high levels of stress can wreak havoc on your body and cause a number of different health problems. That includes prostate problems. In addition to that, stress can negatively impact your libido and sexual health. To get rid of stress, avoid things that cause tension and anxiety whenever possible. Participate in hobbies and exercise that you enjoy. During the day, take frequent breaks and practice taking deep breaths to relieve the tension that builds up in your body. 3. Find out about your family medical history. If there is a history of prostate problems in your family, you are already at a greater risk of getting prostate cancer. Close relatives who have had prostate cancer should be a warning to you to get a checkup with your doctor. If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, let your family members know so that they can alert their doctors to the increased risk. 4. Ask your doctor to do a PSA test. Prostate Specific Antigen test are commonly used by doctors in the United States to determine if a man has prostate cancer. As with most cancers, early detection can improve treatment options and increase survival rates. 5. Increase the amount of lycopene you get in your diet. Studies have shown that lycopene, an antioxidant found in tomatoes, can help prevent men from developing prostate cancer by attacking the male hormone androgen. So next time you're out, ask for a little extra ketchup. If better health is your goal, your best option is to be in the know. Find out more about prostate cancer and your specific risk by talking to your doctor. Know the warning signs and don't avoid going to your doctor for checkups. The sooner you start proactively managing your prostate health, the better.

What are some common dishes in the Dominican Republic?

Spicy, tropical, and good cuisine...Cod cooked with onions, hot peppers, spring onions, tomatoes and vegetable bananas, and it's all cooked in coconut milk

Is beta prostate the same as prostate perform?

I can't tell you about Prostate Perform, but I know that Super Beta Prostate helps foster prostate growth and regulates urinary tract functioning. Go through its testimonials and find out how thousands of men have been using it. Be aware of Super Beta Prostate scam reviews though. The product contains Beta Sitosterol, an ingredient that's clinically proven to help keep your prostate in good health.

What do tomatoes contain that is healthy?

tomoto is good for health, in this 2 types hygine is there one is good to eat another is bad to eat but BOTH are gived to hygine of the body. B: Tomatoes are concidered a fruit, which are rich in vitamines and antioxidants. They are also acidic, and when cooked with other vegetables, help release more of the minerals contained in them. Example spinach contains iron, eaten by itself we absorb a little of the mineral, if combined with an acidic fruit or vegetable it helps the body absorb more of the mineral.

Is jerking good for health?

yes, it can lower the risk of having prostate cancer later in life if you dont believe me check out