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When a person has scarring because of past acne breakouts, the question of whether these scars can be treated arises. The answer depends on various factors such as the type of acne scarring they have, the length of time they have had the scar and the type of product they would consider using for acne scar treatment. While many treatments exist for the reduction in the appearance of acne scarring, none will make them disappear completely, although they will fade quite a bit.

Types of Acne Scars

Four types of acne scar treatments are available and they include treatments for ice pick scars, boxcar scars, rolling scars and hypertrophic scars, also called keloid scars. An ice pick scar is a narrow and very deep scar appearing as a hole. Boxcar scarring leaves a pitted appearance and they are wider than ice pick scars, although they are just s deep. Rolling scars typically appear as a wave of skin, as if something were underneath the surface causing it to roll. A hypertrophic scar is a raised hard tissue mass that appears as if the skin overgrew. The types of scarring the person has determines the most valuable form of treatment of the scarring.

Acne Scar Treatments

Ice pick scars usually respond well to what is known as punch grafting or punch excision. This acne scar treatment consists of cutting out the scar tissue from the skin and then the wound is closed using either a steri-strip or dermatologist’s glue called Dermabond. Boxcar acne scar treatment consists of using microdermabrasion or punch excision, depending on the severity of the scarring. Microdermabrasion is a type of resurfacing of the skin, which removes a layer of skin to allow the boxcar scar to appear smaller and less depressed.

A rolling acne scar treatment consists of subcision, which involves separating the scar tissue from the regular skin and allowing the blood to fill the area in between. This makes the scar appear even with the rest of the skin. Hypertrophic acne scar treatment consists of an injection of cortisone to reduce the inflammation and build up of the scar tissue. This will eventually flatten the appearance of the acne scar.

No matter which acne scar treatment is decided upon, knowing the facts before hand about what the treatment will consist of is the most important factor. Many of these acne scar treatments must be performed within a dermatologist’s office because they are considered small surgical procedures

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Q: Determining Which Acne Scar Treatment to Use?
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NOTE: Before venturing into such treatments please see your doctor and be referred to a dermatologist. Acne Scars Treatment Acne scar treatment is something administered at the point when the patient is subject to no fresh acne outbreaks. If acne breakouts are are still being experienced, you should seek treatment to stop it prior to scar treatment. Here are six ways of approaching acne scars treatment: - Dermabrasion This method has been in use for acne scars treatment for a many years. Basically what this involves is the removal of the patients skin in areas that are affected by acne. These days there are precision machines that employ the use of diamond wheels that perform this function. The procedure generally takes around sixty minutes and is particularly effective on this with light and dark skin complexions. Chemical Peels This acne scars treatment uses specific acid types that are applied topically to the skin areas that are affected with acne. This essentially removes the top layer of the patients skin revealing a smoother layer underneath. This process is much quicker than dermabrasion ( around four times quicker ) but is not that effective if you suffer with severe acne scarring. The acid in the chemical peel can also cause skin redness Subcision This is the process of acne scars treatment by means of removing the scar from the tissue deeper down. Subsequent blood formation and clotting facilitates connective tissue build-up beneath the scar. This is often used in combination with other treatments such as dermabrasion or laser treatment. Laser Resurfacing This acne scars treatment unsurprisingly uses laser to remove the area of the patients skin that is affected with acne. This enables new skin growth. This is a relatively new method of treatment but it has delivered good results thus far. As with chemical peels, skin redness has also been reported following patient treatment. Punch Techniques These can be broken down into the following acne scars treatment, which are replacement, excision and punch elevation. The punch method removes the acne scarring by using a punch like that used in hair transplantation. This is a good method if the acne scarring is extensively deep. Excision removes the scar by a small incision which is closed up and allowed to heal by its own accord. The elevation method cuts the acne scar at root level and allowed to subsequently emerge. Augmentation This type of acne scars treatment involves the administering of an injection under the scar tissue which, as a result, causes the scar to rise to the skins surface. Fat can also be used as the material that is injected. This method is good as it does not cause any real swelling.

Do dermal rollers banish acne scar?

Many people who use Dermal Rollers report that their acne scars have diminished.

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What are the best products at CVS that will help me with acne scar treatment?

There is no scar treatment that works right away, but for a start you can use Glycolic acid increases cellular turnover, and is found in many wrinkle creams. While it won't be a miracle cure, over time a 10%-12% concentration of glycolic acid can help dimish pock marks and other depressions in the skin.

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Use Mederma scar cream to get rid form all types of scars issues. This is best scar treatment cream. Anyone can use this scar cream; most of doctor like dermatologist and cosmetologist will suggest this for scar removal.

How To Choose An Acne Scar Treatment That’s Right For You?

Although acne is an unfortunate aspect of many people’s teenage years, oftentimes the resultant scars will prove to be even more embarrassing than the acne itself. Thankfully, whether you choose an over the counter treatment or a prescription, a course that is natural or conventional, it is not difficult to find an acne scar treatment that’s safe as well as effective. Tea tree oil from Australia is often used as an antibacterial agent for current acne breakouts, though there is recent evidence that the substance also helps to fade the redness of acne scars. Although it has a characteristic strong smell and burns slightly upon application, with regular use, it can bring about pleasing results. Also, it is a good choice for people who are on a tight budget, due the fact that just a few drops can be enough for an entire days treatment. Lasers can also provide acne scar treatment. Although more costly than over the counter treatments, they are a good option for patients who want to start seeing results in a short amount of time. Technological advances have allowed several types of laser acne scar treatments including non-ablative lasers, which do not remove the top layer of skin, and help to encourage restructuring of the damaged skin. Another type, the pulsed dye laser is purported to help remove the often-present redness associated with acne scarring within a time period as short as one month. Since redness often is the most noticeable part of acne scarring, pulsed dye lasers can provide a much needed confidence boost to anyone who feels ashamed of the cosmetic effects of acne scars. Dermabrasion is yet another acne scar treatment which has risen in popularity. It involves a wire brush which rotates rapidly and leaves an abrasion upon the topmost layer of skin. Performed in a dermatologist’s office under a local anesthetic, the end result is smoother looking skin and deep scars that are less noticeable. Although acne scars can cause anguish and embarrassment, thanks to medical advances offering a variety of options with a short recovery time and visible results, there is no need to delay a necessary acne scar treatment.

How do you get rid of acne dark spots?

A mixture of honey and lemon juice can blemish the scar. you can use plain curd also