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Q: Does Can see the particles with the naked eye the definition to colloid or suspension?
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How can colloid's be distinguished from suspension?

Particles cannot be filtered from colloids. A colloid is distinguished from a solution and a suspension by the particles because they usually have an electric charge, and they repel each other, so they do not collect into larger particles that would settle out like those in solutions, and suspensions.

Can you see particles in a colloid with a microscope?

suspension particles can be seen through a microscope


This is the heterogeneous mixture where particles are large enough to be seen with the naked eye.

What structure is visible to the naked eye?

Any substance such as an mixture, colloid, suspension, solution, and all non-microscopic matters in our ecosystem are visible to the naked eyes.

Why is smoke considered a colloid?

For any mixture to be called a colloid, there are some conditions to be fulfilled:the solvent in which particles are moving around the solvent without dissolving or without settling down.The particles must be visible to the naked eye.the density of the particles must be same at every point of the solventSince smoke has all these properties, so it's considered as a colloid.

What is the difference between a solution a colloid and a suspension?

Colloids are particles smaller than those in a suspension. The basic difference between a colloid and a suspension is the diameter of the particles dispersed. Colloids are generally 1 to 5 nanometers while suspensions are usually 1000 nanometers. Colloids are usually harder to detect / see with the naked eye or microscope for this reason. Gelatin, butter, smoke, and fog are examples. A muddy delta is an example of a suspension.

Heterogeneous mixture where particles are large enough to be seen with the naked eye?

A heterogeneous mixture where particles are large enough to be seen with the naked eye is called a suspension. The suspended particles will settle at the bottom of the container over time when left undisturbed.

This is heterogeneous mixture where particles are large enough to be seen with the naked eye?

A heterogeneous mixture where particles are large enough to be seen with the naked eye is a suspension. An example of this is settled mud in water.

Can see the particles with the naked eye and they will settle out over time is?

It's Suspension I'm 100% sure of that answer

Is the brown colour in a river a colloid or solution or suspension or an emulsion?

A suspension is a mixture between two substances, one of which is finely divided and dispersed in the other. Common suspensions include sand in water, dust in air, and droplets of oil in air. Particles in a suspension are larger than those in a solutions; they are visible under a microscope and can often be seen with the naked eye. Particles in a suspension will settle out if the suspension is allowed to stand undisturbed. Many particles of a suspension can be separated through a filter. An example of a simple suspension would be flour in water, or sand in water. In Czech republic there are a two completely different rivers: Moldau and Elbe. Moldau is brown because its origin is in swamps while Elbe is blue because its origin is in ice.

What is the term for a mixture with fine insoluble particles in it that eventually settle out to form a sediment?

A Suspension Here the particle size can be viewed by the naked eye. The particles display the tyndal effect where the particles are used as the medium for light rays. The particles also settle down after a short period of time and this mixture can be seperated using a funnel or evaporation(if it is an aqueous solution).

How is a colloid distinguished from a solution or a suspension?

Solution: one phase system (solute or solutes in a solution) Colloid: two phases system, very stable dispersion in a dispersion medium, particles in the range 5-200 nm Suspension: two phases (or more) system, unstable, particles above 200 nm A colloid is distinguished from a solution and a suspension by the particles, because they usually have an electric charge, and they repel each other, so they do not collect into larger perticles that would settle out like those in solutions, and suspensions.