

does the exterior heat up

Updated: 9/10/2019
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14y ago

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Under normal use, the exterior of this microwave should remain relatively cool.

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Q: Does the exterior heat up
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Do dark colors warm up faster then light colors?

Dark colors attract and hold the heat more than lighter colors. If you have black exterior on your car, it will heat up hotter.

How many sides does regular exterior polygon have?

There is no such thing as an exterior polygon. "Exterior" means outer. Polygons can have exterior angles, but that is about it!A regular polygon can have 3 or more sides - up to infinitely many.There is no such thing as an exterior polygon. "Exterior" means outer. Polygons can have exterior angles, but that is about it!A regular polygon can have 3 or more sides - up to infinitely many.There is no such thing as an exterior polygon. "Exterior" means outer. Polygons can have exterior angles, but that is about it!A regular polygon can have 3 or more sides - up to infinitely many.There is no such thing as an exterior polygon. "Exterior" means outer. Polygons can have exterior angles, but that is about it!A regular polygon can have 3 or more sides - up to infinitely many.

What do the exterior angles in a hexagon add up to?

The exterior angles of any polygon add up to 360.

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The exterior angles of polygon shapes add up to 360 degrees

Why is a heat pump able to heat and cool the same building?

A heat pump is an air conditioner working in reverse. When the unit is in cooling mode, it moves heat from the interior to the exterior. When the unit is in heat mode, it moves heat from the exterior to the interior.In most cases, the thermostat controls the necessary components that perform the reversing process necessary to change from heating mode to cooling mode.

Exterior angles of a polygon is?

The exterior angles of any polygon add up to 360.

What is the sum of its exterior angles?

The exterior angles of any polygon add up to 360.

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The 5 exterior angles add up to 360 degrees

Do exterior walls painted with a dark colored paint require repainting more often that walls painted with a light colored paint?

Dark exterior colors absorb heat and ultraviolet rays which are both very oxidizing elements therefore dark exterior finishes generally chalk up sooner and require more frequent maintenance

What do the exterior angles of an octagon add up to?

They add up to 360 degrees, as do the exterior angles of a polygon with any number of sides.

What is the sum of the exterior angle of a pollygon?

The exterior angles of a polygon add up to 360 degrees.

How do you you find a exterior angle sum?

The exterior angles of any polygon add up to 360.