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Obtaining a counselor degree will open plenty of exciting opportunities for a student in many different fields. Most students will choose a specialty area before beginning school in order to take classes tailored to that specific field. Here are some examples of exciting specialty areas:

1. Family Counseling

Family counseling usually involves meeting with each member of a family, either as a group or individually. Families face many events in life that will often create rifts between them or cause tensions which must be addressed. Helping a family work through their problems and seeing them grow closer is a rewarding feeling for counselors, making this choice a popular specialty.

2. Relationship Counseling

Every couple will face hard times in their relationship due to differences in their personalities and personal views. Couples seeking counseling want to make their relationship better and the counselor is able to help by suggesting ways for the couple to compromise, communicate and develop mutual respect.

3. Spiritual Counseling

This form of counseling treats the person’s spirituality and personality, not just the physical and mental aspects of their life. Spiritual counselors listen to the person’s concerns and address them according to how their emotional reactions are manifested. This form of counseling is gaining popularity because of its positive results, making spiritual counselors a valuable asset.

4. Bereavement Counseling

Following the death of a close family member or friend, people often experience the depression associated with loss or trauma. This form of counseling requires a special person with a very patient and compassionate personality. The bereavement counselor recognizes each of the five stages people experience when dealing with the death of a loved one. Bereavement counselors guide the person through each stage and help them find a positive way to move smoothly through the entire process and find emotional healing.

5. Marriage Counseling

Marriage is one of the most significant changes a person will face during their lifetime. Before making this very important step, it is crucial for couples to become familiar with one another’s views, boundaries and goals. Marriage counselors will help couples recognize areas of difference and address them to reach a compromise acceptable to both.

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