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If you suffer from Asthma, make sure that you are properly prepared to handle a situation where breathing can become difficult - even if you are without your inhaler. A great way to prevent yourself from having a coughing fit is to always keep a handkerchief on your person. The moment something nasty comes up to cause a nasty coughing session, pull that handkerchief close to your face and breathe - the fabric often has the ability to filter out the nastiest of pollutants!

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Q: Getting Proper Asthma Treatment
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Are pneumonia and asthma mixed a deadly combo?

Yes, it can be without proper treatment to both!

Can you get rid of Asthma?

Not as yet possible... but the symptoms can be alleviated... see a doctor for proper diagnosis & treatment.

Is asthma inherieted?

The answer is yes. As RESEARCHERS of Oxford have found that the gene responsible for asthma. If you have asthma then should follow the proper treatment advised by doctor and with that you may try natural home-based therapy like "Salt Therapy" using salt air device which can be found in stores like "salinetherapy"

How do you get the asthma away?

Asthma doesn't go away. Your doctor can control it with proper medications.

Why it's Important to Have an Asthma Treatment Plan?

Having an asthma treatment plan is the most effective way to take control of your symptoms and manage your condition. An asthma action plan is a customized chart that is developed for each patient and helps control asthma symptoms. People of all ages use asthma action plans, but they are most popular among children who may not have the necessary skills to monitor their condition on their own. The goal of an asthma treatment plan is to avoid triggers, identify early symptoms, know how to manage flare-ups and know when to seek emergency care. Each plan is unique, and for children, it may include permission that they take medication when at school.The Importance of an Asthma Action PlanThere are many reasons why an asthma treatment plan is necessary. First and foremost, it provides organization to the patient and helps them track their asthma level, know when to take the proper medication and know how to handle an attack. Second, an asthma treatment plan is a source of communication. If you're a parent and have a treatment plan for your child, the plan will serve as your voice when you cannot be there. It may also include important phone numbers and a list of triggers. Finally, it's beneficial to have all paperwork in one place. Like a medicine cabinet that stocks medical and first aid supplies, an asthma action plan holds the answers to treatment.Creating an Asthma Action PlanTo start creating an asthma treatment plan, it's important to work with a trusted doctor. The doctor will establish the green, yellow and red zones that keep consistent with peak flow readings. These zones will indicate where the asthma levels are and if you're in danger of a flare-up. Both long-term control and quick-relief medications will be written on the treatment plan as well as dosage requirements. It will be your job to update the treatment plan with new information, treatment and asthma triggers. This invaluable tool proves life-saving and continues to be the most effective source in the transmission of information, especially in situations where every second counts.

What is best treatment of pulp polyp?

Its a root canal treatment with proper excision of polyp and proper debridement of pulp tissues.

What should people do if they have an asthma?

eat right food,proper hygiene and everyay exercises.

Tips for living with asthma?

Asthma is a disorder that causes your airways to swell, making it difficult to breathe. Many people suffer from asthma including adults and children. A person is more likely to develop asthma if he is overweight, a smoker, had a mother who smoked while pregnant or has an allergic condition. Living with asthma can definitely be difficult, but you don't have to let it take over your life. Here are some tips for living with asthma.Learn More About AsthmaIt is important to learn as much as you can about your asthma. For example, you should learn what causes your symptoms and how to prevent them. Learning about your asthma will make your life much easier. Research information about asthma online and ask your doctor questions.Don't Allow Asthma to Take Over Your LifeHaving asthma doesn't mean you can't lead an active and fulfilling lifestyle. Asthma medicine has come a long way in recent years, so you are able to do all the physical activities you want. You just have to be able to control your environment, monitor your condition and keep up with your treatment plan.Know How to Deal With Asthma EmergenciesIt is important to have an asthma action plan if you have a sudden asthma attack. With an asthma action plan, you can identify the signs that your asthma is getting out of control, know the proper action to take and act quickly to stop an asthma attack. Having an asthma action plan can actually save your life.Realize That You're Not the Only Person With AsthmaIt is important to realize that there are other people in the world who suffer from asthma. Talking to other people with asthma can help comfort you. Try to find an asthma support group, so you can be around others with your condition.Living with asthma isn't always going to be easy, but these tips will help you cope with your condition.

How would asthma effect a marathon runner?

Asthma prevents proper breathing and marathon runner would be affected by the lack of oxygen to their muscles, which may make them fatigue faster.

How long after taking steroids can a man reproduce?

With a proper post cycle treatment (PCT) a man will still be able to reproduce normally, however there are rare cases of a male getting ED for a while if a proper PCT is not taken.

Can you get an asthma attack from dogs?

Yes but its pretty rare. If you feel your dog is having respiratory problems, you need to take it to the vet ASAP. It's very common for dogs to have allergies though, so this could be what's going on with your dog. You vet can do allergy tests to determine if the allergies are environmental or food allergies, and can then provide proper treatment.

How accurate is pulmonary function test for asthma?

Very accurate with proper instruction and good patient effort