

Getting Your Forklift Certification

Updated: 9/18/2019
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10y ago

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According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), most injuries to people or damage to property from forklifts is caused by improper handling of the forklift. This is why OSHA and state governments require companies that employ forklift operators to have a certification, much like a driver’s license, to operate their forklifts safely. Employers who employ uncertified operators run the risks of having to pay fines and of having untrained forklift operators causing accidents.

There are two ways to obtain certification. Some employers provide training for their employees, with certification at the end of their training. Forklift operators whose employers do not provide training can get training at schools designed for that purpose.

The things OSHA wants forklift operators to know include how to operate the truck, how to perform a daily maintenance check, the physics of forklifts, driving and lifting safely, fueling, preventing fires, and what to do in case of emergencies. Training can include lectures, reading materials, power point slides, a written test, and, last but not least, an actual test operating an actual forklift in front of a shop supervisor, safety officer, company owner, or teacher.

Written tests can be multiple choice questions giving the operator the chance to pick the best way to lift and carry heavy loads. There are likely to be questions on where it is safe to operate or park the truck, and how loads are distributed and moved. The daily maintenance check might also come up on the written test. To get a feel for written tests, I took one online. I can recognize a forklift on sight, but never actually touched one. After studying the material, I managed to pass. Think what someone who actually knew how to operate a forklift could do.

When the written test and demonstration of practical ability to handle the forklift have been passed, the newly certified forklift operator is given a certificate and a wallet-sized copy to carry. It is a good idea to carry the wallet-sized copy at all times. It can be shown to OSHA representatives making routine safety checks. Of course, it should always be taken to job interviews and when the operator is filling out the paperwork for a new job. With the certificate complete, the operator is ready to start a safe, productive career.

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How would I go about getting information about a forklift certification?

A site called Forklift Academy have exactly what you are looking for. They offer programs to get your certification and they are the leading providers of forklift certification.

Where can I go to get certification for a forklift operating job?

You can go to a forklift training class and then receive a forklift certification at You can also get online forklift certification.

How does someone go about getting a forklift certification?

In every state, you're going to need to get a commercial driver's license (CDL). In some states, additional certification is required to operate a forklift.

Do any community colleges in North Carolina offer forklift certification?

No but there are plenty of trade schools that do offer forklift certification. You can try Whitley Forklift Driver Certification.

What kind of education do you need to get a forklift certification?

You do need forklift training and can take classes to prepare you for a test which will enable you to obtain a forklift certification.

How does one receive forklift certification?

"Someone who want to receive a forklift certification need to answer twenty online questions. Once these questions are answered correctly, you can then print out a copy of your forklift certification."

What is the easiest way to get an OSHA forklift certification? can help with on line certification for forklift and OSHA certifications.

How do I obtain forklift certification?

Generally forklift certification is site specific meaning, so one has to be trained, and certified by the employer to work in their organization. The forklift certifcate one holds from one employeris no good if he leaves the work. He would have undergo training at his new job, and pass the examination. Naturally if one knows how to work on forklift, he or she may not have difficulty in getting certified, or recertified. This provision of employer specific forklift certification covers the specific kind of forklift, specific duties that are done with forklift, and general maintenance for worker safetly.

How do you get forklift certification?

Most companies that hire you for forklift work provide the necessary training needed to complete your forklift certification. There are also online resources available.

Where could I attend training to get forklift certification in Florida?

You can go to an certified institution such as local college to get forklift certification in Florida

How old do you have to be to get a forklift certification?


Can women apply for forklift certification?

"Yes, women can apply for forklift certification. The forklift industry is not only for men, it is for women as well. If a woman is willing to take the forklift operation training courses, then she will be a qualified employee."